new beginnings, old endings

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Double update because I suck at math
Patreon gets Arc 3 starting tomorrow 


They're fast. These kids. From the first day I fought them in the Slums, I knew, but I didn't realize just how proficient they were until we started scaling buildings to the edge of our city.

Copper returned from the prison with soot on his cheeks from the vents. His face was covered. He wasn't caught. I keep track of everything though. And this is officially the first time we've done anything explicitly illegal. The next part? Well, I'd argue it's on the border. My dad would probably disown me for it, but at this point, there's no looking back.

Now, the coordinates we took from prisoner-earthquake and that meeting she went to are leading us outside the city entirely. We're just west of the slums, an place that climbs into the wooded area near the mountains. I've never been this far from home for patrol.

What drives me through the trees, what probably drives Suru, Sora, and Copper too, isn't just vengeance or precaution anymore. She might've been wrong, but a pro hero leading an underground organization? One that's targeting families of other pros? My dad will never believe me. Not without proof. This is bigger than my license or my career or anyone anymore.

When we reach the limit of the woods, an uphill battle to scale what becomes a mountain, we reach a historic battleground. This is where All for One let loose a weapon that crumbled an entire city into dust. Now an abandoned hospital and landmarks are all that remain. In the night, it looks like a cemetery.

"Yuki!" Sora calls my name from ahead, near the top of the hill, waving me up. Suru waits at the top with him, panting her lungs out. Copper puts a hand at her back, rubbing up and down. "We have to stop for a second."

"Are you okay?" I ask, trying to sign it. Suru looks at me and smiles. It's the kind of smile she gives me when I'm probably signing nonsense and she doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

"Her quirk hurts her sometimes," Sora explains. The swords hang on his back in an X shape. They make him seem taller as he bends down to get Suru's hair out of her face. She struggles to breathe properly. "Copper, give her some."

Obeying, Copper stretches up to Suru's level, bearing his fangs just in front of her face. She leans forward, just enough to kiss the tip of his fang. Her lips envelop the tooth's edge, Copper staying as still as possible.

"Wait- won't she-"

"It won't kill her," Sora explains. A drop of venom falls down the translucent shape of Copper's fang, nearly glowing it falls into Suru's mouth. Once it does, Suru's eyes shut. She winces through her mouth as her body shakes from the pain. Sora holds her by the arms, Copper shutting his mouth, and nuzzling his nose against hers.

"What's happening- Why did you do that?"

"Her quirk wasn't made for her body. If she over-exerts herself, it starts to destroy her from the inside." Sora says. Suru whimpers. He kneels to the ground so she can sit, writhing in his arms. "Copper's venom is the only thing stronger than her power. It was modeled after over a hundred different snake's, but it was also made to resist any kind of healing. Any kind except Suru's."

I grab Suru's hands as she whimpers, her head shaking back and forth against her brother.

"So the toxin–"

"It works like a distraction. Once it's in her body, her quirk has to figure out how to get it out of her system instead of attacking her own organs."

"How can her quirk attack if it's healing?"

"Suru's not a healer," Copper says, coursing his sister's hair back, staying as close to her as he can, as if he could take some of the hurt from her breath for himself. "C'mon explosion bitch, you gotta realize by now, none of our quirks are normal."

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