are you doing this for me or is it really for you?

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My muscles ache. A trembling wave courses from my shins and through my back with every move I make. It's all about focus, about shifting at exactly the right moment.

The moving platforms underfoot move within 45 degrees, back and forth, simulating an unsteady ground. Against villains who commit crimes of destruction, ninety-eight percent of the time, you don't know: Whether you're standing on quicksand or a potential earthquake.

Wait till heroes find out that's exactly what learning to skateboard feels like.

"Ame! Move your shoulders and think about the next line of fire!"

Deku-san orders me from above, observing as Sero-san swings from the ceiling. This training facility has built-in torrential floors. Basically what I described. The floor tiles are made to move individually, each at different times, meant to throw you off balance. On top of that, there's stone pillars, Sero's speed, and ability to maneuver in the air as long as he wants, meaning I can't anticipate his next move.

That next line of fire by the way? It's being simulated by Sero's tape which he can launch at a hundred miles an hour. Right at me as I try to not fall on my ass.

That's the training exercise. Sero trying to capture me in a room built to simulate utter chaos.

At least I know how to skate right?

"Good, Ame," Oh right and Deku-san's training me from one of those very pillars. Every word that comes from him, I take to heart, to memory, and to worth for how valuable his advice is. "Remember to trust your instincts."

My ears perk up. As Sero swings, there's a distinct tearing sound. Even if I can't see him, I've picked up the pattern. That tearing sound means he's getting ready to release another length of tape.

Given where the sound is coming from and the way I have to stand sideways on the platform, my only option is to jump onto another one. My shoes squeak against the material on landing, another piece of tape avoided.

Deku laughs from above, clapping his hands. The rendition makes me chuckle back up at him. Even if I look like a snowboarder escaping death, the look on my face says it all.

An hour ago, when we were about an hour in, Deku-san kept telling me my mom used to excel in defensive strategies, my dad in offense. He said Yuki showed both qualities early on which is why she specializes in combat rather than rescue like Hina.

I don't have a quirk, it's harder to analyze me. But so far, I haven't come close to getting captured by Sero or falling victim to the moving floor.

Another hour goes by and we move on to close combat. Deku teaches me defensive moves, much like the one he used to break my skateboard in half. The activity reminds me of when I'd work out with Uncle Shoto. He lifted heavy things, corrected my posture. Deku does the same.

By the end of it, my muscles ache all the more. As I walk back to the wall benches on the sidelines, two pro heroes at my side, they ache in the best way. Like this is the first time in my life I've ever really used them.

"Nice work, Ame," Sero-san pats my back. "You sure you never had any practice in hero work before?"

"He's a natural, Sero." Deku-san gives a wink, ruffling my hair.

"Ah, I'm getting flashbacks to high school, now."

"Were you a natural too, Sero-san?" I tease, crookedly smiling up at him.

"Hell no," He laughs, shrugging his shoulders. "I just liked to poke fun at your dad because he was."

So I've heard.

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