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Patreon has to the end of Arc 1 (woohoo!) 

Shoto x Reader has about 10 chapters rn, I'm just having fun with it If you're over 15 and would like to beta read the novel I'm writing, you can DM me on Instagram (lancalii) Thank you so much for your readership guys! Enjoy! <3


My fingers tap on the desktop, the wood beneath them protesting at the rhythm. I can't help it. Whenever Headset contacts her brother with more than just letters, a nagging bitch of a headache gnaws at the back of my skull.

I trust her. The element of danger isn't swayed by that fact.

Ame's at the house, so's his mother. Yuki's supposed to come home from her trip today. All of my ducks are supposedly in a row, but I got that itchy feeling that I need to keep looking over my shoulder just to make sure.

Never have kids. Or fall in love with somebody. I swear you'll spend the rest of your life worrying about them.

All clear. Heading back to the city.

Deku's text lights up my phone. Our correspondence is never this frequent. Traveling all around the world, the dick usually sends pictures of himself wearing sunglasses and a cap under the Eiffel tower or having lunch in California. I don't usually respond. If I do it's cause Headset makes me.

Stay undercover. I text back. Keep a lookout for me. Icy hot's back at his house.

Got it.

I sigh, throwing my phone back down. Since Red Riot's quite literally next door, I've been able to outsource most of the criminal calls to his agency. Focusing on finding the people who want my son, infiltrating them, it's a delicate operation.

If you know me, you know delicacy isn't my strong suit. I've got to tread this like a landmine.

All of last night was spent going through case files. I didn't sleep. Come to think of it, neither did Yin. She kept fixing my errors in the paperwork, handing me the right folder when I accidentally picked one I'd already gone through, and of course, called me stupid every time one of my theories was too out there. I'll concede thinking the president was behind it was a stretch, but it was 3 am, so you can bite me.

Once she gets things resolved with Tenko, clears the air, Deku and I can focus on lining up the next group of suspects. Until then, I've got two things to deal with. The throbbing in my head and whoever just barged into my office.

Yuki slams the doors open, practically running to my desk. She's not wearing her costume, but there's blood. It soaks her arm, a red sleeve.

"What happened?"

The chair screeches against the floor, the speed I stand with nearly knocking it over. The second she's within reach, I grip Yuki's wrist, pulling it close. The hoodie- a wild animal must've taken to it, the fabric victim to its claws above her forearm. I can only imagine what the flesh looks like beneath it and my heart sinks.

"Yuki, where are your bandages?"

When I push the sleeve back over her elbow, there's not even a single mark. The blood dried on her clothes, but her skin's bare of any injury. Including the ones our metal man gave her.

"I found more with the tattoo," Yuki says, ignoring me, tugging her arm away, and pulling down the sleeve.


"I went to the slums with Hina." She doesn't breathe between her words, instead casting her hair back, making motions as if she's lining up her thoughts in order. "That kid you found dead with a tattoo on his body; I checked his phone. The last person he called before magneto? Its number tracks to coordinates on the north side. There's people there. Kids. Fourteen to sixteen I think. All three of them have that tattoo. They were guarding the building where those coordinates led. If I go back alone I'm more likely to intercept them and I can distract them long enough for pros to get to the warehouse and-"

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