your mask

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Patreon is on Arc 2, it's getting really exciting. 

If you want to see me working on the novel I'm going to (hopefully) publish I'm talking about it daily on Instagram and answering questions. If you have any questions here, you're welcome to ask. This is the synopsis video:

For those of you that haven't read opposites, I'll explain relevant information at the bottom of chapters. For now, Ame and Yuki's mother has a past that involves a lot of morally questionable actions on her part as well as abuse and experiences she doesn't want to disclose to her children. In order to protect them from the truth, they now act as if Yin never had a quirk. This is a lie. She and her brother Tenko (shigaraki) shared a quirk that was related to decay (it was sentient and created by AFO, I'll explain more later). As of now, that's all you really need to know. Let me know if you have questions. 

Enjoy the story ;) <3


Kaido's apartment is white. At least the front door is. A modern cut shapes the frame, sleek and elegant. Never thought a stupid door could piss me off.

I groan, clutching the rustling rain jacket against my chest. The scent of smoke and a pack of cigarettes tucked in the pocket weigh it down. My feet shuffle in place.

All I have to do is knock. That's all I have to do. Just knock. Leave the jacket on the ground and absolutely book it to the stairwell. (The elevator looks expensive so it also pisses me off).

My fist rests against the wood, ready to tap three times, but it just won't.

The thought of Kaido makes the hair at the back of my neck stand. His voice still breathes hot against my ear, teasing words at the tips of his canines. The weight of his arm rests on my shoulders. His hair, always falling out of that sorry excuse for a ponytail, nudges my temple.

"Fucking- stupid- idiot- boy- thing- stupid," I recoil back into the hall, press my forehead onto the opposite wall.

I should've listened to my mother. She's been around so much nowadays, the house feels a lot less lonely.

"You got plans today?" She asked me all of an hour ago, setting herself down on the hallway floor.

I was there too, don't worry: On the floor, laying down, my spine cuddling the hardwood beneath it.

"I already stood up twice this morning. I need to pace myself."

Mom chuckles, laying down beside me, her head right next to mine, our bodies parallel.

"Well," she says, staring up at the same blank canvas of a sight as I do. "When I have existential crises, the ceiling's always got interesting stories to tell."

"It's not tellin' em to me, but I can't be in my room," I explain as mom adjusts the hair on my face. "Had to treat my Bonsais so they don't get mites and I can't stand the smell so I just left the window open."

"What are Mu and Kenji doing?"

"Kenji's on a date and Mu's either spying on her with high-powered binoculars or they're on the moon."

"Mm," Mom hums. "Moon's a prime spot these days?"

I shrug my shoulders, dreading the phone call I'll inevitably receive when Mushi's got munchies and needs me to 'supply them with sustenance'. Pretty sure mom can tell when they come over baked. She usually just rolls her eyes and points to the pantry. If Mu eats her ice cream I can't guarantee they'll come out alive so it's a safer bet than the freezer.

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