Hope Rising

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The Present

Kaido doesn't waste time threatening the guys that were about to kick my shit in. No matter the smile plastered onto those pretty lips, he's still known as The Dragon of UA, a fire-breathing prodigy. His presence alone is enough to make them cower.

Great. Now I have to choose between getting pummelled and having yet another uncomfortable encounter with Mr. Perfect. Masochist Ame beams at both options bringing me absolute misery. I choose the ladder. I don't hate my face so much that'd I make it suffer a beating from homophobes.

However, once we're out of the classroom, only silence draws between me and Kaido. I look up from the ground every now and then to gaze up at his side profile, waiting for something obnoxious to come out his mouth.

Looked big and tough in there Ame, couldn't handle some little gen ed first years?

Aren't ya glad I rescued you, Ame?

Wouldn't want that pretty face messed up with a broken nose, now would we? ( ^ᴗ^ )

I'm waiting for it, patiently, like a torture victim awaiting plyers. Side-eyeing Kaido's neutral expression, I admire the way his jawline meets his neck, that tattoo on his back peeking just above his shirt collar.

That's hot. I'm frustrated.

Sighing and putting my head down, I mumble as quietly as I can, "So? What did you want to talk to me abou-"

"You looked so cool back there."

My head snaps up. Kaido's smiling so wide his teeth show, eyes thinning into slits as he chuckles.


"Ah, dickheads like that always get on my nerves, but seeing you stand up to them?" His head shakes as he smirks down at me, raising his eyebrows once. "Chills,"

Kaido courses both hands through his hair, turning on his heels, he starts walking backward with his hands now tucked away in his blazer pockets.

"Thank you, but- you stand up to a lot worse than me on a daily basis," I mutter, gripping the straps of my bag.

"I wouldn't say that," Kaido's usually humorous, sultry voice takes on a more serious note. "People who have no substance need to talk shit about others, it's how they feel they're worth anything."

He shrugs his shoulders, awaiting affirmation of eye contact before turning back around. "Putting them in their place takes guts." His gaze never leaves me. "You're really brave Ame."

I can't tell if he means that, but hearing the words alone makes my heart flutter.

"Thanks." The smile trying to twist my lips cannot be suppressed.

"Although offering to suck his dick was a bit far, don't ya think?"

"I didn't say that!" I protest, the look on my face as it snaps up making him snicker into the back of his hand. "And how long were you standing out there exactly?!"

"Long enough to know my little Ame's growing into a real badass."

"I'm not little. You're just giant, you freak."

Said freak opens the door to the outside world which means escape just within grasp. Yes. I can go home and pretend I don't exist. Finally.

Kaido's basically a telephone poll which means when walking under his arm, I get awfully close. The smell of charcoal and hints of cigarette smoke radiate off his body, the warmth of all that fire below his skin drawing me in like a siren. It also repulses me, so the blush that follows is 100% not because he makes me nervous at all (maybe like 10%).

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