the next generation

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Patreon has to the end of the first arc by December 1st (my original works are there too :)
Thank you for all the love on this story <3 (feel free to share)


Funny how rain carries memories. It falls, mercilessly assaulting the dirtied concrete. On this roof, I can't help but hear Neka telling me I wanna be a hero to a fault.

Thunder cracks above, my hood shielding my line of sight. Hina shifts beside me. We're both crouched by the ledge, peering over the horizon of the poorest sector in the city.

"Won't we get in trouble for this?" Hina asks, staring down at the alleyway where a dumpster and discarded heroin needles decorate the scene.

This is the slums. It's known for a high crime rate, but not the type of crime heroes can usually interfere with. Drugs, underground gangs- that type of thing.

I've heard of the sector, but I've never seen it with my own eyes. Never smelt the stench of sewers and smoke quite so potent. Never felt the air so heavy with pollution or heard gunshots in the distance. Let's just say this place lives up to its reputation.

I look down at my phone, the directions leading us to a building just three hundred meters away.

"Yuki," Hina says my name with calling. "I understand why you want to be secretive. But why aren't we telling Kaido?"

When my gaze finds her expression, it's full of concern, but behind her eyes, I see a trust built upon the years we've worked together. Hina'd follow me to war.

"He's too loyal to my dad. Anything we do out here, he'll report back to him. I can't have that."

I know what you're thinking. How did two UA students manage to sneak away to one of the most dangerous areas in all of Japan without a word to anyone?

It's simple. If my parents want to hide things from me, I don't see why I can't hide things from them. The memory of two nights ago when dad humiliated me in front of Deku-san still makes my teeth grind. My mother's secrets toy with my mind, just out of reach on top of that.

Whoever wants Ame, they have a suspect, I heard that much. He's related to the hand and decay tattoo from that photograph. His name was never said, but mom knows him personally. That's all I got to go off of.

Well, it was. Until I lied. Hina acted as a backup. As far as anyone's concerned, she and I are on a short training trip to Kyoto. There's no service in the mountains. Excuse to turn off tracking and messages on our phones.

"So we're going completely off the books?" Hina asks, adjusting the hood on her head that matches mine.

"We have our provisional licenses. They become official by the end of this year. Anything we find, we have the credibility to bring back to the police and pros."

"Mm," She nods, the rain-bearing down harder on us. "So vigilante-style then?"

"Yeah," I scoff, bumping her loose fist with my own and standing up, ready to take a leap of faith and hope evidence lies at the end of this trail. "Let's go with that."

First thing you should know about police officers in Musutafu: You got a pro's last name? They'll give you anything you ask for.

Considering I encountered our magneto-wannabe before the god trio got there to arrest him, it was only logical they give me access to the evidence locker.

There, I found the file on that kid who gave him my brother's description. His phone was in there. No password. Last known correspondence was magneto. But before that, he had a twenty-second phone call to a number without an area code. Means it was a burner. But burners can still be tracked if they haven't been tossed.

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