Shoto x reader

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These are some Shoto x Reader chapters, the rest of which are on Patreon <3

Yin= Bakugo's wife and Shoto's adopted sister
Kemuri= Shoto's ex-girlfriend when he was 20 (he's 39 now)
Y/n= reader


"That asshole!"

My anger isn't usually so loud.Or maybe it is. The cup I slam against the table to accompany my empty declarations of war challenges my frequency. My friends laugh around the table, the bartender putting down more bottles. Maybe he's keen to get tips from a bunch of fresh out of law school drunks.

"Uh, oh," Yui plops her straw into an overly dressed version of gin, dressed as if she's got a date following up our weekly complaining huddle. "Boy troubles?"

"Don't emasculate me." My eyes roll followed by a quick discard of rum down my throat. It burns, fuel enticing the fire in my belly. "I wouldn't bitch about my sex life even if I had one."

"What's bothering you, babe?" Sweet Sara. She barely passed her boards, joined me at my last firm that kicked my ass right out of their offices not too long ago. She's doing well there now, but somehow whenever we meet up for drinks like this, she doesn't cease to try and shittalk her bosses for my benefit.

"My boss," I sigh, the image of that stupid half and half bastard clouding my vision. "If you can even call him that."

"Ah, the dreamy pro hero?" Yui coos, leaning back in her chair, crossing her legs.

"He's sexy," Sara admits, giggling like it's illegal to say that about a man.

"Not to mention tall, strong, and brooding." This wouldn't be a thirst fest if Akio the biggest gay divorce attorney didn't weigh in with his observation. I down another shot, roughing out the next breath or cough, whichever it is.

"And a total hard-ass!"

"You've looked at it?" Akio raises his brows suggestively. "Scandalous."

"Shoto's super well known for his success, but I guess he's never been the warmest fire-powered super out there."

"That man's made of ice," I hiss. "His fire probably only comes out when he's counting how many villains he's taken down to keep score with his friends."

"You've always been way too passionate about your job, Y/n."

"Who else is gonna be?" I throw my arms back, my eyes wide, face hot from the alcohol. "No one in law fights for justice anymore. They fight for election, money, power, and all that other bullshit."

Shoto's voice as he tells me off for trying to find that girl's kidnapper rings through my head. An asinine creature he is and people portray him as a hero sweet and gentle to his fans. That alone makes me reach for the bottle. "I might as well be joining them working for him."

"Ah- ah-" Yui slides the bottle away. "That's enough for you."

"You know, the jerk met me for the first time today and the only thing he had to say was I needed to reorganize my list of priorities."

"Uh Y/n," Sara raises her finger to interrupt me, but I'm too out of it to notice.

"Mr. Hero's more concerned with catching the bad guys than making sure there aren't any more victims out there. Urgh!" I grasp my hair in both hands, curse him and myself within the same internal scolding. "I wish I punched him."

"Uh, Y/n," Akio leans forward. "You may wanna shut up now."


Suddenly then, it strikes me that all of their eyes are pinned not to me, but to whatever's trailing overhead. The second I turn, I regret it.

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