the war is never over

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My tik tok got banned LMAO
it's cool. I'll get it back. 

Sending out my novel to beta readers next week. Very nervous.
The week after that, final edits, then... :)
Thanks for all the support. Being a published author is my dream. So, i love you.

Shoto & Yin


The darkness sprawls over the hills like a liquid, gray and seeping into the grass, the leaves, the earth itself adopting the color. The night gives us cover, animals moving along the forest lines, rather than battle-ready soldiers.

The Last of Tartarus is owned by the Hero Commission. We were told it was turned into a rehabilitation and research center. None of us ever actually thought to check what they were doing. The President of the commission followed Katsuki and Deku's suggestions. Even Aizawa had ideas.

We have a list of people who are supposed to work for the Hero Commission in Tartarus. Our first instinct was to gather them, question them, detain them, but we're not kids anymore. We're smarter than to have any faith in liars' truths. We didn't so much as tip them off that we were staging an attack tonight.

Instead, this is an ambush. What we got from Scythe checks out. Location. Security. All of it. How he managed to get so much information out of only the crime sindycates he had murdered is beyond me. It doesn't really matter anymore. If he's a threat, he'll be dealt with accordingly and when we have time for him. Until then, there are more pressing people with god complexes to knock off their pedestals.

Aizawa had my costume remade a long time ago. It still fits somehow. Feels like nostalgia threaded into material. Any muscle I flex, I remember Enji working Shoto and me in the square from dawn till midnight. I remember the vomiting from the heat, the sweating, the throat sores from training in the snow. My muscles shiver. They haven't been used to fight in so long. They're edging for it.

I took a vow to help people. I took a vow to never hurt another human being, let alone children. It's been preying on my mind that tonight, I may have to break that vow. Eighteen years ago, I would've refuted the idea.

Being a mother changes things. When I think about what I'd do for Ame and Yuki, the sacrifices I'll have to make to keep them safe– the question no longer exists.

Ame looked at me like he was afraid. Afraid of who I used to be and what I've done. Yuki disconnected from me entirely. Everything I feared would come of me sharing my past, came. My children don't see me the same way anymore. They'll never see me the same way anymore. All for a part of my life I can only remember in faint reaches.

I close my fists around the handles of the knives, flip them around, test their weight, for memory's sake. Back, forward, over the hills of my knuckles, and into their sheaths at my waist. I don't remember Toga much. Only images here and there. Yet I know she's the one who taught me to hold the weapons, to perfect my use of them.

Maybe the way Ame and Yuki see me now isn't so inaccurate. No matter what I do or who I am with, my history is written by villains. I was created and trained by one till Enji and Shota pulled me from the rubble. By then, I was already forged.

Tying my hair back, I remember what it was like to stand in an arena. I take in a breath and let it go, smooth from the bottom of my lungs and out my mouth. The lights of Tartarus shine through the windows like candle flame. On the mountains North, the hills East and West, the other divisions of our teams get ready. And somewhere in the forest, my brother lurks, the power in his blood, half the bait on a hook.

"I spent two decades trying to stay out of fights. Now you're pulling me back in?" Tenko bit at us the night before the attack. It was a fair sort of anger. Yuki ended up endangering him with her escapades. If he hadn't rescued her from Scythe, I don't know what would've happened. I don't like to think about it.

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