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A week ago

I knew Yuki was sneaking off a long time ago. She just turned eighteen and was in the start of her third year. She tried to tell me it was training, patrolling, a bevy of other reasons to justify why she was leaving the house so frequently. At first, I told myself that this was normal. She's becoming an adult. She has more independence now. It didn't dawn on me that I had to worry about her till the night of the UA event.

She's always been so curious, it bleeds into her ambition, turns into perseverance. When she asked Shoto about Toya, I never realized it was for something this important. At the time, I thought she'd asked Shoto about me and he finally told her everything I've been afraid to say.

Since they were born, I've feared what would happen if Yuki or Ame ever found out who I used to be. The wrong I'd done so early in my life. Katsuki, Shoto, Enji, Deku, and everyone involved in the war against All for One– we did our best to bury the ghosts of our history. We did our best to rewrite it in a way that would leave us and our loved ones unscathed.

I don't know how I became so naive that I stopped looking over my shoulder.

"It's all my fault," I cried into my hands. It was four in the morning after we came home from the UA event hours ago. Ame'd gone to sleep upstairs.

Yuki was nowhere to be found.

She left the event with Neka five hours beforehand. Her phone kept going to voicemail.

"Yuki," Katsuki spoke into the phone. "It's me baby, please pick up and tell us you're okay."

Neka was home with Momo. When we'd called to ask if she knew where Yuki was, she said Yuki made her promise to keep quiet. Katsuki begged her to tell us. She'd never not come home before. She'd never been out alone this long without contacting anyone.

I panicked, calling Shoto and Deku, thinking she took refuge there after our fight. I started to think that maybe this was the last straw. That keeping secrets from me because I kept them from her wasn't enough. She was tired of being kept in the dark. She took it upon herself to shed light.

That's when I felt a flutter of something in my spine. A familiar flutter of lightning, not energy, but the call of one. I dropped everything, shuddering. Closing my eyes for half a second, I felt warmth cradling my back, something separate yet a part of me. When I opened them again, I knew exactly what it was.

"Katsuki," I called, grabbing his arms, his panicked eyes landing on mine.

"I know where she is."


"It's Atomic."


We drove in the night. Katsuki went twice the speed limit, turning corners with a screech. All I did was follow the feeling. The call I was sure was Atomic. When we got there, Katsuki parked, practically running out of the car. The first thing we saw was a group of boys standing over something until they were thrown backward by a blast. Not an explosion. Something smaller and more targeted, a release of energy in the air. They shrieked, landing in the road. I ran right toward the glowing light in the grass by the sidewalk.

"Is that Dynamight?" One of the boys asked as they were getting back on their feet, rubbing their backs and legs from the fall.

"Get lost!" Katsuki yelled, making them promptly listen from the sheer volume.

"Mom!" Yuki's voice called as I caught sight of her yelling in the grass.



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