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*mentions of rape in this chapter (no descriptions just the mention of it)
*mentions of child abuse and suggested animal abuse
*blood and very gruesome descriptions of violence warning
*Overall, this is not a lighthearted chapter so be warned

In case you forgot caus it's been a bit, X offered to take Yuki and the three to Scythe so they could discover his plans and who he is.

A week ago
the night of the UA event

    I don't have coherent memories. There is only a time before Tenko and a time after him. Before, there was no language. There were signals, orders, figures in white lab coats, and protective suits that watched over me and gave them. Then, there are just flashes. Flashes of light. Light I created. Light I snuffed out.

    The first thing I ever killed was a cat. Cats see well in the dark. I assume it was a part of my training. It was small with gray fur and wild gray eyes that shown red when it was cornered. I'd never seen another living thing before. I grew up in a sterile, white space that I now know must've been an old hospital or maybe an old prison. Every day, I was taken from my cubby– not room– cubby– a space small enough to fit a mat and a place to defecate– and I was brought into a chamber.

Before every session, they tied my body down with straps and forced my eyes open. I remember the feeling of being pried apart as if my eyes were my entire body and the fibers of my flesh were being stretched till they tore. The injections I will never forget. The brain doesn't let you forget that kind of pain. Right through my corneas, a fraction of a second, a needle full of a bright, viscous liquid. It was never the needles that hurt. It was afterward. Blood would ooze like puss and tears. I could taste the metal, smell it. Then, this one man whose voice I'll never forget either, he would pat my head, say I did good, that I'd be rewarded.

They unstrapped me from the table and let me loose inside the chamber. There was a collar around my neck constantly at the time. I itched at it, grit my teeth, cried with my voice because I couldn't with my eyes. The pain didn't subside, but it was overshadowed. A creature patted over to me. The chamber, overwise empty, was artificially lit at the time, a single mirror looking in. On the other side, those men were watching. I think I understood that, but all I saw in the mirror was myself. Hair cut to my scalp, the eyes of a monster glowing yellow on my face. Across from my shivering body, there was the cat. I had no idea what that little thing was at the time. All I knew was it looked at me and it was unafraid. After that, things get blurry. I was punished for playing with the cat rather than hurting it as I was ordered. I was thrown back into my cubby. They didn't feed me. Pets who don't do as they're told don't deserve such a luxury.

I can only infer what happened next. All I remember is the hunger. I must've used my quirk, the one they injected into me, and blinded the animal. I distinctly remember tasting blood, holding palpable heat in my hands, seeing red everywhere. I remember eating, hearing flesh be torn like threads between my teeth, and wet growls in my throat. I remember that same man, whose voice I'll never forget.

Good, he said, petting my hair as I was forced to eat my prey. You did good.

And from then on there is nothing.

"Sora?" Yuki's voice travels across the raindrops in the night. Her hood, the one I lent her conceals her hair, leaving only her eyes, the outline of her nose to pair in the dark.

She sent Neka home, said it was too dangerous for her to come along. She would've asked Hina to come out too if it weren't for that event tonight.

She reaches out, cups my shoulder. "You okay?"

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