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The next morning, after a brief table meeting, Sack and I headed for the AZ Mayans charter. We spent a few days there before things were squared away and set up. Then I got a call from Jax with the next Charter.

As the months dragged on, Sack and I were both getting ready to be back in Charming. We had continued to head East and help out some Midwest charters, so we hadn't been home in three months. By the time we did make it home we were fighting like brother and sister and damn near ready to kill one another. Luckily, our return meant a party.

We had another reason to celebrate too: Sons were officially out of gun running. I figured the consulting shit had been a ruse to get me out of harms way should something come up. I didn't care cause now we were earning straight with the porn studio and escort services. Jax and Opie had actually pulled the club back into what JT and Piney had wanted.

When we pulled into the lot, the sun was already setting and a party was getting underway. Happy was waiting for me and had me in his arms with his lips on mine the second my bike was parked.

"I've missed you too Mi amor," I said, pulling back from him a bit. I was sore from the riding, and I really just wanted to drink for a nice long while. Well drink and fuck my old man.

I went around and said my hellos to everyone. Everyone except my brother.

"Where's Ope?" I asked Jax over the music and the fight going on in the ring between Tig and Quinn.

"Got shot in the leg couple weeks ago. He's at home with his pregnant wife resting up."

"So I'm gonna be an aunt again? Cool maybe I'll be around for this one to actually know me."

He chuckled and nodded.

"Tryin to keep my head clear while riding?"

He just nodded. I accepted that. I hugged him and went to where my pops was sitting at a picnic table.

"You're looking good Edith," he said.

"I've fucking missed this place. The last three months have been bullshit to protect me and the club cause me getting hurt would've sent you, Ope, Hap, and probably the rest of the guys on the war path."

"We missed you too. Not every day the great Houdini comes home," he said. I sat with him and drank the rest of my beer. Happy was watching me as he talked to a few of the Nomads that were here.

"He loves you," my dad said as he caught where I was looking.

"I would hope so," I said.

"He does. Never looked at another woman while you were gone," he said.

"He's too attached to his dick. Knows I'd cut it off," I said, earning a chuckle.

"Go see him. And hey maybe soon you'll be giving me grandkid number 4," he said.

"Maybe pops," I said. "I love you."

"I love you too kid," he said.

I went over to my old man and he pulled me into his arms. "Want a cage match?"


"Nomads have a new patch, needs some sense knocked in," he said, nodding to the young guy.

"Hell yeah," I said. Happy hollered to Quinn and I went to the side of the ring. Happy took my kutte, rings, and tshirt. I bounced on my toes a little to make sure I was warmed up enough for this.

"You've got this," Happy said, kissing my hands as he finished wrapping them.

I smiled and kissed his lips before jumping into the ring. Bobby hopped up to be the referee and we started in on the fight.

I got a couple of hits to the face, but my one bruised cheek was nothing compared to his shattered nose and bruised up eye sockets.

"Alright Houdini," Bobby said, drawing my attention away from my punching bag of a human. I backed up and Bobby helped him up as Chibs went to check on him. I jumped down and immediately into Happy's arms. He kissed me deeply before carrying me back to our dorm.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora