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This chapter contains mentions of rape and description of torture and murder.

When we pulled up to the cabin, Tig and Chibs already had the man tied up. They were watching him and smoking. Jax, Happy, and I pulled in all at the same time.

"You good with this?" Jax asked.

"She deserves this one," Happy said. He lit a cigarette as I headed into the cabin.

"You're a fucking piece of shit," I said. There was a bag already sitting on the table and I turned to Tig and Chibs.


"Happy's shit. We don't ask."

"All yours baby," Happy said from the doorway.

"She's doing this?" Chibs asked.

"He raped her and her friends. Threatened to do the same to Ellie," Happy said. "And honestly, I want to see what she does."

"You two are so fucked up," Tig said. Chibs and Tig walked over towards the kitchen where Jax was also now standing.

"You sure about this baby?" Happy asked lowly as I looked into the bag. I didn't even know what half the shit in there was.

I nodded and he kissed my head.

"That psycho is the one who made you his old lady?"

"Shut up," Happy and I both yelled.

The guys chuckled and I grabbed a hunting knife.

"Still got the smoke?" I asked. Happy nodded and handed it to me. I took it and walked over to AJ. I cut his shirt from his body and used the cigarette to burn his body. When he didn't even flinch I handed it back to Happy and he handed me a small flame thrower type lighter. I smirked and used the to burn the flesh of AJ's torso. That got some reactions from him. A few of the guys started to grimace.

I took the hunting knife out of the bag and walked over to AJ.

"You deserve a hell of a lot more than this for what you threatened to do to my niece."

I dug the knife into his side and dragged it down to the top of his hip, smirking a little as the blood started to run.

AJ squirmed and I stepped away.

"What're you thinking hermosa?" Happy asked lowly.

"Right now, about how much I'd like to fuck you," I said. He laughed and kissed me deeply.

"You got an Elsie maker?" I asked.

He nodded.

"We'll save that."

"He's lost a lot of blood," Happy said. I glanced at AJ who was dozing out of it.

"Tig get some cold water," I said.

He complied and got me some cold water that I threw on AJ to wake him up.

"Didn't want you to miss the fun part," I said. Happy yanked the man's pants off his body before cutting his balls off.

We stood there for a minute as he continued to bleed out.

"Let him bleed out," I said. "It's the least he deserves."

The guys all agreed and Happy lit a joint, handing it to me. I took a hit before handing it back.

We sat around outside for a while longer before Jax told Tig and Hap to dispose of the body.

"You get cleaned up and check on your family," Jax said. I nodded and hopped on my bike, booking it to the clubhouse. I got cleaned up and it was about time for TM to open when I pulled out of the lot again, headed for my dad's place.

When I pulled in they were all waiting for me. Ope and Dad sent Donna and the kids back into the house so I could tell them I'd handled him. I went into the house and hugged Donna and the kids before Donna pulled me aside and thanked me.

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