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There were voices at the door the next morning when I woke up. I was still laying on Happy's chest. I wasn't impressed with them.

"Shut the fuck up before I have to make a trip to Chigger Woods," I yelled.

I heard someone ask how I knew about that.

"Go away or I will be adding new smileys," Happy yelled in response to them before he kissed my head.

"I just wanna know what happened to you two just being a good fuck," Jax said.

"I'll tell ya when you're old enough to understand now fuck off," I said. He groaned but the noise outside the room subsided.

"I hate them," I said as Happy tightened his arms around me.


"A bit," I said. "Fuck, I gotta go clean."

"Nah, ten more minutes," he said and we both fell back asleep.

The next time I was woken up it was with Ope yelling at me to get my prospect ass outta bed and start cleaning. I dressed quickly in my jeans from yesterday and one of Happy's clean shirts that I tied up with a hair tie. I threw my hair into a ponytail and I slid into my kutte as I was running down the hallway. The clubhouse and lot were clean already.

"You're an ass," I said, shoving my brother before going to get coffee.

"Jax needs you in church," he said. I took the mug and headed inside.

"You already know more shit than half my guys," Jax said once the door was closed. I nodded and didn't take a seat. He'd have to offer me a seat at the table, and I hadn't earned that yet.

"What's up?" I asked. "Need someone buried? To disappear?"

"I need you to break into Zobelle's cigar shop tonight," he said.

"That AB fuck?" I asked. He nodded. "The hell does AB want with Sons?"

"Not with us," he said. "They're trying to get crank in Charming."

"And what do I do?" I asked.

"Take, fuck, take Ope with you tonight. Just break in," he said. "Mess some shit up and on the way out trip the alarms."

"And we're sure AB won't be there?"

"No they won't. The rest of the CRO patches are going to deal with them at a AB gathering," he said. I nodded and told him I needed to case the place today. I'd go in, no kutte and make small talk while telling them I was looking for a gift for my dad.

He nodded and I headed out of church.

"Everything okay?" Happy asked. I nodded and finished up my coffee.

"I've gotta go shopping for my father," I said. He gave me a look that he didn't believe me. "Ask your pres then."

He just nodded and kissed my temple. All I could do was hope and pray that this guy didn't know my father was on oxygen from shit messing up his lungs in Vietnam.

I slid my kutte off and packed it into my saddle bag in case I needed it. I hopped on my bike and took off for Main Street.

When I stopped in front of the shop, I was instantly worried. I slid off my bike and walked into the shop.

"Is there something I can help you with?" The man asked. This was Zobelle.

"I'm looking for a gift for my father," I said. "He's been going through a lot recently and I really want to get him something nice."

"Absolutely," he said. "I can recommend some."

"That would be great," I said with a smile. I walked around as he gathered a few things, leaving my fingerprints in places so if anything happened tonight I could write it off as my visit.

"Here," he said. "I wasn't sure your price range, but our nicest cigars are over $100 a piece."

"Yeah that's a bit out of it," I said.

We talked for a few more minutes and I ended buying some cigars. I'd made small talk with him and learned that he was planning on heading out of town for the night so they would be closed but he was more than happy to sell to my father next week when he got back.

When I finished, I headed directly for the clubhouse.

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