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When we pulled up to Stockton the three of us shed our kuttes into Opie's truck and headed inside. We went through security and the same guard was working the last time we were here.

"Who are you here to see?" He asked me.

"Happy Lowman," I said.


"Edith Winston," I said.

"You're sure spending a lot of time here for someone whose supposed to be on the outside Miss Winston," he said. I ignored the comment and moved slightly to the right.

"Happy Lowman isn't taking visitors today," a different guard said. "Minor scuffle lost visitation for a week."

"Can I see Tig Trager then?" I asked.

"That's who Juice is here to see," the guard said motioning to Juice.

"Chibs, I mean Philip Telford?" I asked. They agreed to that and led us to the visitation room.

Before long Jax, Tig, and Chibs all walked in together. Chibs sat down at the table and immediately noticed the bandages on my arm.

"What happened to you love?"

"Got shot on a protection detail last night. Caught one in the arm and one in the vest. You've gotta tell Hap. That's the only reason I came here," I said.

"I will lass, relax," he said. "Who patched ya?"

"I walked Kozik through it. Don't remember a ton of how it went last night."

He nodded a bit. "Hap's still gonna get out in twelve months ya know. He was attacked. Shived actually."

"I thought y'all had protection," I said.

"Somehow the Mayans heard some of their guys were killed by a Son," he said. Happy had been shived because I'd killed those Mayans.

I just nodded.

"Don't worry lass," he said. "He's okay and I'll tell him about this while Tig holds him down with Bobby's help."

"How's everyone else doing?"

"We're whole lass," he said. "Who was with ya last night?"

"Adam, turned in his kutte this morning," I said. He just shook his head.

"Never shoulda-."

"I know Chibs. Ope's beating himself up over it. Please please don't make this a big deal. I told Ope this morning that the weak need thinning out anyways." He just nodded in response and finally started telling me about the others. Bobby and Hap had laid "claims" to Jax and Tig. That thought amused me more than anything. The club was protected but so none of them got raped they were all claimed by one another.

"How's Juice?" He asked.

"Good. Tired from the looks of things this morning but he and Ian are both doing well," I said.

"That's what we like to hear," he said. The buzzer signaling five minute left went off.

"Tell Hap I love him, will ya?"

He nodded. "Send my love to the brothas."

"Of course," I said.

"And lass, go back and get rest. Ope," Chibs said a bit louder to get his attention. "She's on bedrest. No grunt work. Five day minimum."

"I already got the lecture," Opie said nodding towards Jax who just chuckled.

We stood up and Opie wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me upright as we walked out. He stopped at a gas station and got me a couple of gatorades and a snack.

He drove us back to the lot in near silence. I was aching all over and I was in serious need of a nap.

"Hap was shived," I finally said as we passed the 10 miles to Charming sign.

"I heard," he said.

"It was cause the Mayans heard a Son killed two of their brothers," I said.

"It's not your fault E," he said. "Last night was kill or be killed."

I nodded. I knew it was true.

"Is Chibs gonna talk to Hap?"

"Yeah, I told him what to say and he said when they bring Happy back, he'll get Tig and Bobby to hold him down while they tell him," I said.

"Good. He's gonna go ballistic, especially because he missed you this morning."

I nodded and let it fall silent until we were back on the lot. I headed immediately for the dorms and crashed into my bed without so much as taking my kutte off.

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