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The guys were inside 2 months before they were allowed visitation. We all went up at the first possible opportunity though.

My parole had been a breeze, and Happy's mother was doing well. That meant life on the outside was going well. I was missing Happy and spent about half my nights in his room because being the only prospect meant I was doing all the grunt work. Sack occasionally had to help me. We had three new guys coming in too: Miles, Phil, and some kid named Adam that no one thought would make it. The three were just offered prospect kuttes about two days before our first visit though.

When we arrived in Stockton, Phil and Adam had to wait with our bikes in the van.

I headed inside with Opie, Kozik, and Juice. Sack and Miles had stayed at the garage with my dad and Lowell.

"Who are you here to see?" The guard who'd just checked me asked.

"Happy Lowman," I said.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Edith Winston," I said. He nodded and led me back to the visitation room with the rest of the guys. Ope was here to see Jax, and I think the others decided on Bobby and Chibs. Tig would have to wait for a trip when Koz wasn't with us.

I sat down at a table and waited for Happy. When he walked in, I instantly relaxed. He sat down across from me and cleared his throat.

"How're you doing?" I asked.

"Fine," he said. I glared at him for a second. He didn't change or elaborate on his answer.

"I went and saw Ma yesterday," I said. "She sends her love. Koz rode with me so I wasn't alone."

"Good," he said. I was bouncing my leg nervously. "Relax."

I calmed my leg and nodded.

"What about the club?"

I started telling him about the new prospects and about how my dad's being a pain and only coming around when Opie requests leadership help. I figured he was being grouchy because he didn't want the club in such young hands. He probably didn't think Ope and Jax were up for running it.

"And you?" He asked after a few seconds of silence.

"I'm doing okay," I said. I rubbed my crow tattoo. I could tell he wanted to reach out and hold me. We still had a year of this bullshit.

"Cut the bullshit," he said.

"I'm exhausted. Grunt work is gonna have me in an early grave," I said.

"Three new should free ya up," he said.

I shook my head. "Phil and Miles are good. Adam isn't gonna make it. Ope is tryin to give him the same work there's just no confidence. When push comes to shove he's gonna fall."

"Who's his sponsor?"

"Juice," I said. He nodded. "I've been helpin out with Ian a lot too, which has been great. He's a cute kid."

"Don't go gettin ideas on me little girl," Happy said.

I chuckled a little. "I won't. Gotta have my rocker before I even consider askin Jax and Ope about it."

The buzzer went off signaling the last five minutes of the visit time.

"Hap, why did you tell Koz to bring up the prison clause?"

"I want you taken care of and you're gonna be a brother," he said.

"I don't do that shit. I told Koz he wouldn't hold a candle to you in bed," I said. He smiled a bit, whether at my commitment to him or at my comment to his brother, I don't know.

"I love you Hap," I said.

"I love you too," he said.

With that our visitation was over and we headed back to the clubhouse.

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