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A few hours later, I decided to head home for the night. Happy wasn't thrilled I was leaving but I playfully shoved him towards a croweater and walked away to my bike.

The second I got to my dad's place, I put my bike in the garage next to his trike and headed inside.

"Pops I'm home," I called. I walked into the living room and he was watching a ball game.

"How was the party?"

"Good," I said. "Pain in the ass to clean up after though."

He chuckled and agreed, nodding towards a pizza box on the coffee table.

"Dinner if you're hungry," he said. I sat down with him and watched the second half of the football game as we talked and ate.

When it was over I dismissed myself to go shower and get to bed. I was exhausted and had to be up early to get to the Parole Office by 8:00 am.

After my shower, I dressed in some shorts and a t shirt that probably belonged to Opie when we were in high school. I headed back down to the living room and of course Happy and Jax were sitting in the living room with my father.

They'd all turned to face me when I walked in.

"To what do I owe the pleasure," I said, looking between the three as I sat down next to my father.

"We we're just discussing how to get Ope back into the fold," Jax said. "Get me a beer."

I wanted to fight with him but I was a prospect and a female one at that so I headed to the kitchen and grabbed three as I returned, handing one to each of the men.

"Is this top secret club stuff or can I stay?"

"You're still a prospect," Jax said. I nodded and turned to head back down the hall. I shut myself in my room and played music just loud enough they would hear it and know I wasn't listening to them. I laid on the bed, taping along to the music for a while before there was a knock on my door.

I turned the music off and went to open it.

"We're heading out," Happy said.

"Thanks for letting me know. Ride safe," I replied. He kissed my forehead and headed off down the hall.

I waited until they were gone and went to talk to my father.

"You know I can't discuss club business with you anymore now," he said.

I nodded as I sat with him in silence.

He ended breaking it about five minutes later though.

"What's the deal with you and Hap?" He asked.

"Fucked a couple times," I said. "Sleep in the same bed. Talk a lot. That's it."

"He doesn't let women sleep in his bed and he definitely doesn't talk," my father said.

"Maybe I should clarify," I said. "I talk at him and he grunts in agreement."

"No he doesn't," my father said. "I know you two actually talk."

I nodded a little and stared at my father. "Ask him then."

"I did," he said.

"What'd he say?"

"You were his," he said. I rolled my eyes at that.

"No I'm not. He's just a good fuck. I'm not gonna be allowed to be his old lady while I'm a prospect," I said. "And what Jax says goes dad. If my adopted big bro doesn't think he's good for me, it's a no go."

"You're both good for each other," my father said. "I can see it. You act like Donna and Ope."

"Dad, this is all going to be new territory for the club but I'm sure they don't want their enforcer to have a soft spot, especially one that's another club member."

"Don't worry about it til you patch in. In the meantime, maybe date the man. Or keep fucking him til you realize you are very much in love."

I rolled my eyes but said a goodnight to my father before heading to bed. My mind spun, spiraling down with thoughts of Happy and what we actually were to one another.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now