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The next morning Happy and I drove out to Bakersfield. He wasn't impressed that I'd insisted on driving myself but I wasn't about to need to rush back and pick up my bike if we needed to meet the club somewhere.

"Leave your kutte," he said, sliding his off. I got off my bike and took my kutte off as well. I locked it into a side bag and Happy came over to take my hand. He led me up a small sidewalk and a couple steps to the front door of a small one story house.

"Ma," he said, earning a reply in Spanish from the back of the house. He answered quickly as he dragged me along with him. I didn't know he could speak Spanish but I found it incredibly hot.

"Ma, this is Edith, she's my girlfriend. Edith, this is my mother," Happy said, introducing me to the woman sitting at the table.

"It's nice to meet ya ma'am," I said.

"Don't call me ma'am," she said. "Ma works. He must be thinking about marrying ya if he brought ya around."

"Actually Ma," Happy said. "I've got some bad news."

"You're going away again," she said. It wasn't a question. She knew he was.

"Yeah, fourteen months. Nothing big. Edith's going to help Kozik and Quinn take care of you."

"Oh thank goodness," she said. "I love those boys but they're a handful."

I laughed a little. "Yeah they sure are."

I sat down at the table and started talking to her. She was beyond happy to hear about my life and how I worked with Happy. She was sure I was going to be good for him. He was listening as he moved around the kitchen making coffee and checking the mail to make sure her bills had all been paid.

After about an hour another woman walked in and started speaking in Spanish as well. Happy just shook his head before kissing the woman's head. It must've been his aunt.

"This is my girl," he said, staring at me a little as his aunt began fussing over us. She was clearly thrilled he'd brought a girl home to them finally.

I made a mental note to learn Spanish while Happy was in prison. I was sure Ma would be more than willing to teach me.

We sat and talked for a while longer before Happy said goodbye to his mother and aunt. I said goodbye as well and told them both that I would be back. I left my cell phone number as well as the number for the TM office with them so they could get ahold of me.

We walked back out to our bikes and I smacked Happy's arm.


"You could've told me you spoke Spanish."

"Club doesn't know. Won't find out either."

"Yes sir," I said mocking him. He growled a little and wrapped his arms around me.

"Thanks," he said, kissing my lips quickly.


"Being so good with Ma," he said. I nodded and kissed him one more time before we both dug our kuttes out and put them back on.

The ride back into Charming wasn't too bad. We got in just as TM was closing for the day and Jax and Ope were calling church. They were voting on moving Sack's vote in up. They had to do it to keep the club whole.

As the guys were in church, Sack and I cleaned the bar up and talked a little.

When the guys walked out a bit later, Sack was summoned by Jax into church. Juice took off and a bunch of the guys headed out for the evening.

"Take it things went well at your mom's," Kozik said as I sat a beer down in front of him and Happy.

Hap just nodded and I smiled at him a bit.

"When you inking her?" Koz asked. I wondered briefly if he ever got sick of the one sided conversations that happen frequently when dealing with Happy.


Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now