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By the time I got to the lot, my father looked pissed.

"Where you been?"

"Stopped to see Ope on my way back," I said, handing him my papers from Tara. He looked them over and nodded slightly.

"We're having a party tonight. Celebrate you and Jax," Dad said. I nodded a little in agreement.

"What time?" I asked.

"Couple hours," he said.

"I'm gonna check with Jax. See what needs done. Then head home and shower and stuff," I said.

"Check with Hap. He's worried about you."

"Don't know why. We were just fucking last night," I said.

"Just do it," he said. "And, hey, I'm proud of you kid."

"Thanks Dad," I said, hugging him, and groaning slightly at the bruising on my ribs.

"Guess you're not getting fucked tonight," he laughed a little.

"You don't want to know that," I said. "Oh, and I told Ope he needed to at least consider being all in again."

He just nodded and I headed into the clubhouse in search of either Jax or Happy. There was a croweater tending bar and Happy was sitting at the end drinking a beer.

"Hey," I said softly as I sat down next to him.

"Hey baby," he said.

"They're broken. Gotta take it easy for a bit," I said. He nodded and kissed my temple.

We sat in silence for a second before I went to stand up and look for Jax.

"I'm proud of you," he said, causing me to freeze and look at him.

"Thank you," I said. He just nodded. I kissed his cheek. "You know where Jax is?"

"In church," he said.

I nodded and went to the open door and knocked on it to gain Jax's attention.

"How're the ribs?" He asked.

"Broken," I said. "Thanks for letting me prospect."

"You earned that. Clay was corrupt anyways."

I nodded a little. "Is there anything that needs done or can I go home and shower before the party?"

"Go shower," he said. "Sack's gonna take a few days off to relax so you'll be on cleaning duty in the morning but other than that there's nothing til garage stuff Monday. And do you by any chance remember anything from helping Mom out there in high school? She's pissed Clay got voted out and left with him."

"Some. I can take a look tomorrow once the clubhouse is clean," I said.

"Thank you," he said. He was struggling to thread the needle he was using to sew his President patch onto his kutte.

"Want some help with that?"

"I've got it," he said. I nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait," he said. "I do need help."

I nodded and walked over, taking the objects from him. I stood next to him and in a few minutes had the small patch sewn onto the front of his kutte.

"Thanks Houdini," he said.

"Anything for you Jax."

I left him in church and headed back out. I was going to head home when Happy intercepted me.

"I'm headed home to shower and eat something. I haven't ate all day and I'd like to be clean before I spend the night bartending."

"I'll ride with," he said.

"I didn't forget where my house is Hap," I said.

He just glared at me and I didn't feel like arguing with him. I headed out to my bike and started it up. It made me so beyond happy that my bike could now be parked at the end of the row of bikes for members.

As protocol dictated, I led Happy lead the way back to my house and I parked next to him in the driveway. My father still hadn't given me a key so I went in through the garage and hoped it was open. It was since the garage doors only open with our buttons that we keep in the bikes.

Happy followed me inside and I headed immediately to shower and get dressed in a Harley shirt and some black skinny jeans. I tamed my hair into a couple of French braids and returned to the kitchen where Happy was standing staring at the front door.


He just turned to look at me as I made a sandwich. "Want one?"

He shook his head no and I made it quickly before hopping up on the counter and eating.

We talked, well I talked and Happy nodded occasionally as I ate. Before too long we were headed back to the clubhouse.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now