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The next morning, I woke up at about 8:00 am. I'd gotten into a decent routine so even when I party I'm up early. Luckily I wasn't hungover as I got up and threw on some athletic shorts and a shirt so I could head to Lumpy's. He's a friend of the club so he lets the patches use the gym for free. Plus he likes having us around every once in a while. I smiled a little at Happy as I walked out of the dorm with my kutte and hoodie over my arm.

"I'm headed to the gym," I said. Miles nodded and Phil asked if I needed someone to ride with me.

"No, just lettin ya know for when Hap wakes up," I said. Phil and Miles were on cleaning duty so I slid my hoodie and kutte on and headed outside.

The ride to the gym was pretty short. It was always nice to ride in the cool morning air though.

"Good morning Houdini," Lumpy said as I walked in.

"Good morning," I said, taking my kutte and hoodie off. I left the two items in Lumpy's office and headed to the treadmill. I ran a couple of miles before doing some stretches and stuff.

Then it was training time. Lumpy has been helping me with my boxing.

"Who got your face?"

"Some dumb ass from Indian Hills thought I shouldn't have patched because I'm a woman," I said.

"I take it he looks worse," Lumpy said as I climbed into the ring with one of his employees.

"Absolutely," I said.

We spent about an hour training before I had to head back. I knew Jax and Ope would be calling church soon.

I was walking out of Lumpy's office with my hoodie and kutte when some Mexicans walked in.

"This a problem?" I asked, instantly moving to hide my SOA ink and kutte. I didn't have a gun so I couldn't go provoking anything.

"No sweetheart," he said. The guys walked up and I walked away to get a drink. They were yelling at him in Spanish, saying that he owed them money. I was pissed but not until they started in on Scuff and Vic. Scuff and Lumpy are brothers. I forgot about that. I thought we'd settled that shit with Alvarez.

These assholes weren't Mayans. They were the guys who took over for the two Mayans I'd killed.

The two finally left, telling Lumpy they'd be back.

"Hey, left us take care of this. I've got a score to settle with these assholes anyways," I said.

"No," he said. "Houdini I can't let ya do that."

"Let me at least talk to Jax and Ope," I said. "You're a friend of the club. We take care of our own."

He finally agreed to let me talk to Jax and I kissed his cheek before heading out.

When I pulled into the lot there was yelling about something. I rolled my eyes as I parked and walked up to Ope and Happy.

"She's you're old lady. If you can't handle her being a patch you shouldn't have voted her in," Opie yelled. So this was about me.

"What's going on?"

"Hap started a fight with that asshole from last night," Opie said.

"Because you're my old lady even if you have a patch," Happy said.

"Babe I can handle myself. And Ope, Jax, we need to call church. Lumpy's got the same Mexican problem his brother did," I said.

"Chapel now," Jax yelled and we walked in, dropping our phones on the pool table and heading into the chapel. I felt gross and wanted a shower but I knew the odds of that happening now were slim. Lumpy's safety was more important though. He needed this dealt with quickly.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now