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AJ was now sitting on the couch while his underling held a gun to Opie's head. I had my gun in my waist band and I was trying to figure out how to pull it and get off two separate shots without getting either of us killed.

"Come here Edith," AJ said.

"Fuck off," I said.

"I always was jealous that you dated my brother in high school," he said. I was 16. AJ was 26 and trying to hit on me when I was dating his 17 year old brother. Biggest mistake I ever made.

"I figured that had more to do with why you wanted me here than my attachment to SAMCRO."

"I see they finally gave you a kutte. Smart guys. Except you fell right into our trap."

I started ignoring him and I was staring at Opie trying to communicate with him. Hopefully Donna got to Dad's and the guys would be on their way soon. AJ was still talking.

The kid who was holding the gun was shaking. He didn't want to be doing this. I glanced at him and hoped Opie would notice too.

"Who gave you their crow?" AJ asked.

I ignored that too which pissed him off and he got in my face. Well, guess I have to fight him now. I took my knife from my back pocket and cut him a few times which was just pissing him off more. I hit him in the face with my elbow and he stumbled giving me enough space to pull my gun and shoot him in the leg.

I immediately turned to the kid as AJ was cursing at me.

"Put the damn gun down."

He just stared at me, causing me to repeat the words as I heard motorcycles down the road.

He finally put the gun down. I grabbed some zip ties and tied his hands together before shoving him to the couch.

"AJ, shut the fuck up," I said. He was crying like a baby.

"Ope," I said as the guys busted the door in.

"You're about five minutes too late," I said. I put my gun back in my waist band and grabbed my knife, wiping the blood off on the shirt I had on before cutting Opie free. Jax and Tig were dragging AJ out to the van and the younger kid was being held in place by Happy.

"Let him go," Opie said. "He didn't want in on this shit."

"Give me your license," Happy said.

"I'm only fifteen," the kid said. That's why he was so shaky holding the gun to someone's head.

"You were never here. You don't know us. And if you say a word of this to anyone I will find you and gut you like a fish," I said, holding my knife to his neck for emphasis.

"Okay," he said. I cut the zip ties and told him to beat it.

"You okay?" Opie asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Fucking hate that guy."

"I'm really sorry E but the shit he was threatening to do to Ell-."

"Ope, don't apologize. I know full well what AJ said he would do to her. You did the right thing."

"You saved our lives," he said.

"Hey we gotta get going. Prospect' gonna clean up. You two want this one?"

"Hell yeah," I said to Jax as he was leaning in the doorway.

"I'm gonna let her have it," Opie said. "Go see my wife and kids."

Jax nodded and we headed out. I got on my bike and was just about to start it when Hap walked up.

"What'd AJ do to ya?"


"You don't shoot someone in the leg unless you want to make them suffer. You didn't want him dead."

"Oh I want him dead. He's gonna fucking pay for threatening to do to my niece what he did to me and a few of my friends though."

Happy just nodded and got on his bike as we headed out.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now