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My first month with my patch was a breeze. Standard gun running and no big mishaps. The prospects were a little upset because their years weren't up yet and now I was off of grunt work. Being the newest patch though, I had my share of the grunt work still too.

On the day they were released, we left Piney at TM for pickups and we headed out with all their kuttes and bikes.

When we arrived, I parked at the end of the row and helped the guys get all the bikes ready to leave. We'd tuned them all up the last few days so it would be easy riding home.

We were waiting about an hour before the gate opened and everyone walked out. I was standing near the group as Happy looked around the group. I was his first stop.

"Congratulations," he said, taking his kutte from my hands and picking me up in a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks," I said.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too. We still need to talk," I said. He nodded and moved on to greet some of the others as Chibs stopped in front of me.

"Congrats on the patch love," he said, hugging me tightly.

"Thanks," I said. "Glad you're out."

He nodded and continued on. I hugged every member who'd been released before we all hopped on our bikes. Happy had told Half-Sack he wanted to ride at the bike with me, so the whole order was pushed around a bit as we rode from Stockton back to Charming. Just inside the city limits, Sheriff Roosevelt had a road block.

I heard Roosevelt and Jax talking about how things had changed and he wouldn't tolerate the parole violation of gang colors.

"He a problem?" Happy asked lowly.

"First time he's whipped his dick out like this," I said.

He just nodded and Jax took off again back to the clubhouse. When we pulled in, Donna, Tara, and a few other women were cheering. Mostly croweaters thankful for their favorite brothers to be out.

"Chapel, twenty minutes," Jax yelled as he walked over to Tara.

"That's quickie time baby," Happy said as he grabbed onto my waist from behind.

"No," I said. "Our first time together after your release is not going to be a quickie."

He grunted in response. "It musta been real rough without Juicey in there to help with your releases huh."

"Don't get mouthy with me little girl," he said.

"Why'd you take me off the list?" I asked turning in his arms to look up at him.

"I was pissed off. Didn't want to see you right then," he said.

"You could've put me back into it," I said.

"Wasn't sure what to say," he said. "I'm not good at feelings. I shouldn't have gotten mad about you helpin Ma though."

"You're right," I said. "I'm sorry for not telling you the prices changed."

"I know why you didn't now," he said.

I nodded and pulled his lips down to mine by his kutte.

"Baby, I know you didn't do this tattoo, but look at my new one," I said. I quickly pulled the hem of my shirt up to show the three stars on my hip where'd I'd been shot.

"A nice start," he said.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed right below his ear before whispering in his ear, "te amo papi."

He swallowed harshly. "You've been learning Spanish ?"

I smiled at him. "I've spent a lot of time with Ma."

"Remind me to thank her for that," he said.

"She agreed on the condition we raise bilingual children," I said. He shook his head a bit before pulling me into another kiss. I took the opportunity to mess with him and stole his wallet. He was smart though and kept his on a chain so I got caught pretty quick.

"Nice try, princesa," he said, causing me to giggle a bit.

"Was worth a shot," I said. Opie was yelling at us to stop sucking faces and head into church so we did.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now