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The following day was just a regular day at TM. About six o'clock, I headed into Happy's dorm with him and he did my crow tattoo on my arm. It took several hours before he had finished it. When we returned to the main part of the clubhouse, it was just my Dad and Tig still there. Kozik must've gone to bed and everyone else must've headed home.

"Lets see it Houdini," Tig said. I showed off the fresh ink and he and my dad both congratulated me.

"I'm headed home. You staying with Hap tonight?" My father asked. I just looked to Happy and he nodded.

"Yeah," I said.

"You're a prospect. Use protection," my father said.

I rolled my eyes a little but agreed. I grabbed a couple of beers and Happy and I returned to his dorm room.

"Are you nervous?" I asked softly. He just looked at me. "About jail."

"No," he said. "Done time before."

"I know but you could still get hurt," I said.

"Not gonna happen, mi alma," he said.

"What's it mean?"

"My soul," he said. "Would you prefer mi cielito or mi sirenita?"

"What do they mean?"

"My little sky or my heaven and then mi sirenita is my mermaid."

"You're cute. Don't worry though. I won't tell your brothers," I said.

"I could always call you like torpe or zorra."

"Why do I feel like we've now reached insulting territory?"

"Torpe is like a klutz and a zorra is literally the word for fox, but it's also a girl who gets around a lot," he said.

I laughed slightly and rolled my eyes.

"We both know I'm not that."

He just nodded a little and continued to drink his beer.

"I'm going to go shower," I said.

"Can I join?"


He followed me to the bathroom and started the shower, complaining when I cranked the hot water up more than he wanted.

About half an hour later we were getting out and dressed for bed. Happy was watching me intently as I dried and brushed through my hair.

"What?" I was suddenly very self conscious of the way I was doing things.

"You're hot," he said, shrugging a little.

"Always so blunt," I said. He nodded and opened the bathroom door, walking out of the room.

We laid down in bed and cuddled up, falling asleep pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, it was short lived. About 1:00 in the morning, my phone was ringing.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey, it's Ope, Donna and I have to take Ellie to the hospital. Can you come sit with Kenny?"

"Yeah," I said. "Absolutely."

I got up and threw on some jeans and a hoodie.

"What's up babe?"

"Huh, I'm so sorry for waking you Hap." I kissed his lips quickly. "I've gotta go to Ope's. Something wrong with Ellie so I've gotta sit with Kenny."

He nodded and I bolted out of the clubhouse driving a little too quickly to my brother's place.

"Donna, hey," I said as she met me at the door.

"Hey, thanks for coming on such short notice," she said. Opie was sitting in the living room tied to a chair. Two guys were pointing guns at him.

"What the hell?" I asked. I should've known something was up. They would've just had one of them stay home. Fuck. I should've brought Happy with me.

"We're here as a favor to Zobelle," one of the guys said. I knew that voice. Fuck, who was it?

"AJ?" I asked. Of course neo-Nazi supreme AJ Weston was working for Zobelle.

"Hey Princess. You armed?" He asked.

"What do you want AJ?"

"Give us your gun."

I ignored him and turned slightly to Donna. "Where are the kids?"

"In bed still," she said.

"Let Donna leave with the kids AJ. They don't have anything you want. You want Ope and I."

"Turn over your gun."

"I don't have one. I left in a rush cause I thought my niece was dying."

"We threatened her if he didn't get you here," AJ said.


"You broke into Zobelle's store and we couldn't exactly kidnap you when you're living at the clubhouse."

"I'm sorry E," Opie said.

"You did the right thing Ope," I said. "Donna, take the kids and go to Pop's."

"No, she's not leaving."

"AJ, you don't want her. You want me. Hell, you should let them all go. I'll go willingly if the four of them as allowed to go."

"No, Donna and the kids can leave."

He definitely wanted something from Opie too. He was after SAMCRO, not the person who broke into Zobelle's store.

Donna went and got the kids, taking them out the back door so they weren't exposed to everything going on in the living room.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now