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Opie got the call we were all dreading from Rosen at 1:23 in the morning. Everyone had been arrested. The exception was Kozik. He'd gone after Zobelle and got out of there.

"We regroup 8:00 am and figure out how to get bail posted for them all," Opie said.

"I made a couple grand tonight," I said. "It's not much but it's a start. I split it between two envelopes cause I was going to give you most of it for the kids, but I think we can agree posting bail is more important."

Opie nodded and kissed my head. He was headed home. Kozik was staying in the clubhouse along with Sack.

"I'm going to Juice's. I'll fill him in," I said. "And bring Pops with me in the morning." He would know what to do. He couldn't run this club because of medical issues, but he had the most experience in the club.

"Ride safe," Kozik said. I nodded and went out to my bike. I was thankful for the light gray hoodie I'd pulled on. It was chilly as I rode to Juices apartment. When I got there I knocked lightly and he almost immediately opened the door.

"Everyone but Koz was arrested at the AB shit," I said softly the second we were in the door. "Leaves you, Pops, and Ope on the outside. We meet at 8:00 to figure out bail."

He nodded and pulled me into a hug. "Glad Houdini didn't get arrested."

"I've made one mistake and it won't ever happen again," I said. "How's the little man?"

"He's been asleep for a few hours," he said. "Had a hard time going down. I think just adjustment."

I nodded a little. "He'll adjust and be the happiest most loved baby in the world. How're you handling things?"

"I'm terrified to sleep," he said.

"Lock the door and if you're scared you won't hear him, put him in your bed."

He nodded a little. "That's where he is. Only bed in the apartment."

I nodded and kissed his cheek before yawning. "You get some sleep. 7:30 will be here too soon."

He nodded and led me back to the door. I heard the lock click as I walked down the hall and back out to my bike.

I made the short trip home and headed in to the house. My father was asleep in his recliner, so I turned the TV off and woke him up.

"Huh," he jumped a little.

"Just me Pops," I said. "Go to bed. They need us at the clubhouse at 8:00 am."

"What happened tonight?" He asked.

"Everyone but Koz was arrested. Juice and Ope weren't there," I said. "Gotta figure out bail shit in the morning. Hales already looking into me for the break in at Zobelle's."

"Shit," he said.

"I cased the place. They won't find any evidence that I was there."

He nodded and I walked him to his room.

"I'm getting too old for this shit," he said.

"Goodnight Pops," I said. He told me goodnight and I headed to bed, setting my alarm for 7:30 before collapsing onto the bed in the clothes I was wearing. I didn't have the energy to change. I'd slept in jeans and a hoodie plenty of times. My kutte was hanging next to dad's at the front door.

By the time my head hit the pillow I was out, thankfully because what felt like two minutes later my alarm was going off.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now