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The next morning, after I'd hit the gym, showered, and ate breakfast with my old man, Sack and I got ready to head out.

"You really okay with this E?" He asked as we packed our bedrolls tighter.

"Gotta be. Orders from the prez himself. Besides, the Mayans aren't a bad crew, at least Santo Padre wasn't."

Jax, Opie, and Happy walked over to us.

"I know you're pissed but this is good for relations between charters and clubs," Jax said.

I nodded a bit as Happy wrapped his arms around me. "I know. I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass about it."

"At least when you're being a pain in the ass it's not cause your dick got in the way of your brain," Opie said, earning a laugh from me as Jax looked a little offended.

"Seriously though darlin, thanks for doin this," he said.

"Just following orders," I said. "Goodbye I love you both. I'd like to say goodbye to my fiancé now."

Happy chuckled as I shooed the two away.

"I'll call as often as I can," I said. He nodded and leaned down to kiss me.

"Te queiro," I said, smiling at him a bit.

"I love you too little girl," he said. His hand rested on my hip for a while as he let his lips linger on my forehead.

"I'll be okay Hap," I said. "You get us out of guns and I'll get us good with the Mayans."

He nodded a bit.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too."

I got on my bike then, clipping my helmet on over my braids. I nodded to Half Sack and Happy stepped back, letting us pull out of the lot to start our ten hour ride.

We stopped a couple of time throughout the day, mainly because we needed gas and a bathroom break. Sack and I were right back to joking around and acting the way we did as prospects before he patched and everyone went to jail.

We'd stopped just over the Arizona border for the last time before we'd make it. SAMTAZ was going to host us for the night but we still had a couple hours tile then.

We were heading inside after filling the gas tanks when I noticed a couple of bikes. I couldn't quite place whose they were but I remembered them being Santo Padre Mayans.

"What's the deal E?" Half Sack asked.

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head.

We went inside and took a bathroom break before grabbing a snack.

I needed a break from riding anyways.

We were sitting on our bikes when a group of Mayans walked out of the store.

"Long way from Charming chica blanca," Coco said.

"Long way from Santo Padre, no?" I responded in Spanish earning a chuckle from Angel and Gilly.

"What're you doing down here?" Angel asked.

"Helping an Arizona charter of yours with something," I said.

"Who's the pretty boy?" Angel asked.

"We call him Half Sack. Patched shortly after I got a kutte," I explained. "Sack, these are Angel, Coco, and Gilly, Santo Padre."

"I'm Kip," he said, smiling a bit at them.

"No one calls him that," I said. He shook his head a bit.

"Why is it they call you Half Sack?" Gilly asked.

"You don't-."

Sack cut me off and told them the story anyways. My phone went off with a text from Happy so I let him know we were still good and had run into Santo Padre and got to talking.

We couldn't stay too long cause they had to get home for templo and Sack and I needed to get to SAMTAZ.

We headed off again, arriving at the SAMTAZ clubhouse a bit after dark.

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