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In chapel I relayed what had gone down at the gym. Indian Hills and Tacoma weren't thrilled to be dealing with our shit but since they were both in town a few days they had to. Jax had to at least offer to let them come to church.

The guys were pissed about the pimps to say the least. Jax and Ope decided on a protection detail of prospects.

"And Houdini, Ricki, you two done with the shit?" Jax asked. Ricki had to be the Indian Hills dumbass who thought I shouldn't have a patch.

"I'm fine," I said with a shrug. As a new patch my seat at the table was gladly given to Jury. I was standing at the far end. Ricki was across the room from me. Jury was glaring at him.

"She shouldn't-."

"Turn in yours then," Jury said. "She kicked your ass last night. She earned her patch. If you can't handle it turn yours in."

He shut his mouth and nodded before Jury turned back to Jax.

There were a few other details we had to square away with gun running but otherwise church was over pretty quick.

"Redwood, stay," Jax said, dismissing the other charters. Sack and I moved to our seats as Jury shit the door.

"Houdini, Alvarez has a charter that needs some help," Jax said.

"What kind-?"

"The kind only Houdini can provide," he said. "Santo Padre. They're setting up a mulling deal across the border. Alvarez wants you to ride down and check in with them. Make sure they know how to stay unnoticed."

I nodded. Santo Padre was an eight hour drive. I'd need to leave ASAP.

"I'm going to guess I go today," I said.

Jax nodded.

"I'm fine with that," I said.

"You're taking Ope," he said. I nodded and Jax dismissed us.

We headed out and I took Happy's hand, leading him to our dorm.

"Babe," I said.

"I know you can handle yourself," he said.

"I handled that Ricki shit. But now I have to go do this Mayans bullshit. They've been mulling a while but I just do what the President wants."

He pulled me into him. "Gonna ride up and see Ma."

"Tell her I love her," I said. He agreed. We packed our bags side by side and I set out some jeans and a shirt to wear on my ride. I knew they were currently making ride through calls so we could get there without issue.

"I'm gonna shower," I said walking to the bathroom and showering quickly before braiding my hair. I head down to the clubhouse with my backpack over one shoulder.

"Ope," I said. "You about ready big bro?"

"Alvarez is looking for you," he said, motioning to the cameras. I walked outside and sure enough Alvarez was waiting for me and talking to Jax.

"Houdini," Alvarez said.

"The- nope just kidding not the one and only," I said with a soft laugh. "What can I do for you el Padrino?" I nodded to the newest patch on his kutte.

"I'm stepping back. Set three presidents up as kings. I need you in Santo Padre for a couple days with my charter there. They're expanding muling and you seem to get in and out of anywhere."

"That I do," I said with a smile.

"The president there, Bishop, knows you're on your way," he said. "I told him the Sons had an expert on this."

"I don't know a thing about smuggling drugs but I've pulled off some shit in my day," I said. "I'll help the best I can."

"Did you bother telling them it was a woman we were sending?" Jax asked as Opie walked out. He told the prospect to make sure our bikes had fuel before walking over to us.

Alvarez shook his head a bit before shaking Opie's hand.

"So I just go down and what? Give them advice?"

"They have some more specific tasks for you when you get there." He handed me an envelope. "Half now, half later."

I opened the envelope and smirked a bit. "Gracias."

Alvarez shook our hands and got on his bike to leave. I took some of the cash and put it in my wallet.

"I'll have Hap put it in my safe so we can leave," I said and jogged across the lot to where my old man had been watching.

"Half my payment for this shit," I said. I kissed his lips quickly. "I love you Hap."

"I love you too baby," he said. He took the envelope and headed to put it in the safe. I walked over and said goodbye to Jax before Opie and I got on our bikes and headed south for Santo Padre.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now