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The next couple of weeks were filled with preparations for the guys to be inside. Sack was voted in and we celebrated that the night before the court hearing where all the guys would plead guilty.

We all attended the hearing in support of them. I was dressed in jeans and a tshirt with my kutte overtop, matching the rest of the guys. The ones who were going into custody wore their kuttes until the judge called their case number. Then they made a big show of standing up and taking their kuttes off. I ended up with Happy's, Tig's, and Chibs's in my arms as Happy kissed my cheek and mumbled to take care of myself. I smiled at him and he turned and walked with his brothers to the front of the court room. I was now sitting between my father and Sack as we listened to Rosen enter the guilty plea for all of the brothers.

My father placed his hand on my knee as the guys were cuffed and led out of the court room. We all stood up and went to the van and our bikes. As the prospect I was driving the van not riding. Well, now at least. Jax drove it here with myself and all the brothers who were arrested so we didn't need to worry about their bikes.

When we arrived back at TM, Opie took the kuttes of all the guys and locked them in the safe in church. TM was pick up only for the day and that meant we were slow. I didn't mind though because Opie and I were in the process of hiring some people full time.

"Church tonight 8:00. We vote Kozik's transfer," Opie said to the guys that were sitting around outside as TM was closed down for the evening.

"I'll watch Ian while you're in church," I said softly to Juice. He thanked me and headed out to relieve Elyda for the night.

I continued to sit on the picnic bench as most of the guys branched off. Kozik stayed put as did my father. Kozik was looking at me like he needed to talk to me alone.

"Pops, why don't you head home," I said. "I'll stop and grab dinner from the di-."

"No," he said. He was upset. "I'll go talk to Ope. Proxy my vote. I'm riding to the cabin for a few nights."

"Okay, love you Pops," I said.

"Love you too kid," he said. He walked off in the direction of my brother.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" I asked softly. Kozik sighed a bit as he took a seat next to me. He sipped his beer and seemed pretty tense.

"Hap asked me to talk to you," he said. "About the prison clause-."

"Fuck no," I said.

"Hear me out," he said. "He just wants you to know the options on the table. Said if you needed a good fuck to let me know."

I chuckled a little at that. "I'm sorry Koz, but I don't think you'll be living up to what Hap is capable of in bed."

He shook his head, mildly offended back my response.

"Thanks for telling me though Koz," I said. He just nodded and it got quiet.

"Hap also asked me to keep an eye on you."

I scoffed a little. "You know how I got my prospect patch right?"

He shook his head no so I relayed the story of having to fight with Sack just to get my prospect kutte.

"I know he's just worried but Koz, I can hold my own ya know," I said.

"I know Houdini," he said. We headed inside and I cleaned up some before the guys had church.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now