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The next few months carried on in the same sort of way. Once I was fully healed I was back on nearly 24-7 grunt work during the weeks and then on most Friday afternoons I rode up to Bakersfield sometimes with someone, but most of the time alone. I spent the weekends with Happy's mother and aunt, learning Spanish and hearing stories about young Happy that he wouldn't have told me.

Every Tuesday morning like clockwork I went to Stockton with the guys and saw Happy. He was always a little short, but I tried to chock it up to him being inside. That was until one Tuesday about two months before they were scheduled to get out.

"When we're you going to tell me the price of Ma's meds went up?" He asked.

"Kozik and I agreed that you'd just get pissed because you're inside and can't do anything about it and we didn't want to risk extending your stay," I said.

"That choice wasn't yours to make little girl," he said.

"Hap, I've been covering the difference every month. I don't have a ton of expenses because I float between Dads and the Clubhouse. I'm trying not to make your life harder than it needs to be," I said.

"I can handle my shit. That includes taking care of Ma," he said, lowering his voice. He did that when he was angry. He wouldn't yell until he was fuming.

"You asked me to help take care of her," I said.

"Maybe I shouldn't have," he said.

"The hell does that mean?"

"Forget it," he said, getting up and walking away. I just sat at my table for a few more minutes until the five minute warning sounded. Then I stood up and moved to sit next to Juice at Tig's table.

"Everything okay Houdini?" Tig asked.

"He just needs to cool down," I said. "He's pissed that I'm doing what he asked me to."

Tig just shook his head.

The two talked a bit more but it wasn't much.

"Tig, tell him I love him. Tell 'em all I love 'em actually," I said. He nodded and Juice and I stood up and headed out with Opie right behind us.

The following week when I went up to Stockton, Happy had taken my name off his visitors list. I saw Chibs that day. The following week, I still wasn't back on the list, so I saw Bobby. By the third week, since he still hadn't even called me, I quite making the trip. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal since they'd be out in five or so weeks anyways.

I still made the trip every weekend to see Ma. She was the one who had told Hap about the price increase. I wasn't upset about it. I knew my anger was with how Happy was handling the situation so I didn't hold it against her for telling him.

Kozik was definitely frustrated though. He started going to see Happy more since he was still on his visitors list. He tried explaining that I wasn't at fault in this situation which just angered Happy some more and got Kozik removed from his visitation list as well.

I didn't even care that much until the last month they were inside. My vote for my patch was up and Ope had to make a trip and proxy all of the guys votes. I knew I had them locked. Unless Happy was so frustrated with me that he would bar me from patching. I doubt he would do that though.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now