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The next few days were pretty quiet around the garage as Juice and I tried to update Gemma's systems. That kept us busy most the day and club shit kept us tied up in the clubhouse til late into the night.

Happy ended up getting called away because SAMTAC needed something. I wasn't allowed to know what, but I did say goodbye to him about five days after we'd first met.

"Tell Koz I miss his stupid face," I said. Kozik and I were always cool with each other before he transferred because he and Tig are literal children.

"I will," Happy said. He kissed my head and got on his bike and left.

I returned to the office, ignoring the questioning looks of the guys.

On Friday afternoon, I was tasked with organizing the Friday night party.

"Nothing like short notice Jackson," I said, rolling my eyes before heading into the clubhouse to check in with Sack. He was inventorying the bar to see what else we needed.

"Okay so just a bottle of Black Velvet in case Happy shows up."

"That cheapskate drinks Black Velvet?"

"On the clubs dime yes," Sack said. "And we need more vodka."

"Who does vodka?"

"Crows prefer it," he said.

"And we have fireball?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Perfect," I said. Sack gave me the grocery list and I ran to the store quickly to pick it up.

When I returned home, there were some extra bikes.

"Hey pretty thing," someone said as I walked into the clubhouse.

"Can I-?" I was fully prepared to have to fight someone. Even though I have a kutte a lot of the visiting guys don't respect that.

"Koz," I said, throwing my arms round him once the bag was on the bar top.

"I've missed you too," he said. "Jax needs a few extra bodies so I volunteered. Figure you can keep the peace between Tig and I."

"He know you're here yet?"


"That's a no," I said as I stepped away. I grabbed the stools out of the way as Tig attacked Kozik. Sack, Juice and I were quick to clear the floor.

As the guys fought, a bowl of popcorn was being passed around. It hit my arm and I grabbed some before looking at who it was.

"Ope," I said.

"Talked to Donna. She's not thrilled but she knows Jax and I can pull the club straight."

"So you're?"

"You're looking at it," he said, showing me his VP patch.

"Ope," I said. "That's amazing."

Unfortunately it was short lived because Tig had Kozik pinned down by his throat.

"Break it up," Jax and Happy grabbed Tig as Chibs went to check on Koz.

"C'mere," I said, blending the two words as I dragged Tig to the bathroom and tended his wounds from the scuffle.

"You've gotta get over it Tiggy," I said.

"I loved her," he said.

"We all did," I said.

"That fucker killed my dog," he said.

"I know Tiggy," I said. I finished up and he went to the bar, demanding drinks despite it being barely five pm.

Sack had started tending bar, but Jax called church and all the guys headed inside.

"When's your vote?"

Sack turned to look at me. "Got about four more months."

I nodded as we tidied up from the scuffle.

"You're head better?"

"Absolutely," he said. We made some more small talk as hang arounds started showing up.

"Wait outside," Sack said. They didn't look impressed but prospects were higher than hang arounds and crows.

"Party's gonna be outside anyways isn't it?"

"Yeah," he said. I rolled my eyes and we started to set up the outside bar.

When church was over the guys poured out of the clubhouse and started cheering about the party.

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