Pt. 1

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“Ow!” I rub the large bump on my head. This stupid rock just had to be where I put my foot down and made me trip! I angrily kick the rock that tripped me away. It hits my maid in the ankle, leaving a small scratch. She winces slightly in pain, but I’m pretty weak so the rock doesn’t cause blood.
“I need ice! Let’s go!” I proclaim and walk back to my castle, my maid following me along.

I quickly head to the kitchen to order my maid to bring me some ice and some tea. I’m feeling thirsty after this event. I lightly touch the bump on my head and wince in the sharp pain that comes from it. This sucks, now I have a huge painful bump on my head.
I turn towards my maid, who is bringing over a bowl of ice and a cup of tea with some small snacks.
“Mary, go get my father and have him order me some new hats to cover this unsightly bump.” I ordered as I grab a piece of ice to rub my bump. Mary hurried nods and scurries off.
The chef of my house comes up to greet me.
“Welcome, my lady, Lady Annelise. Is there anything I can do for you?” His bushy beard ruffles as he talks. I think for a moment, taking a bite out of the butter cookie Mary got.
“Yes, there is. I need you to prepare my meal in my room today. I can’t be seen like this.” I decided. There’s no way I’m showing my face with my massive bump. What an embarrassment! I stuff the remaining snacks in my dress pocket and head to my room.

I peer into my mirror to inspect the large bump. The bump itself can’t be seen, but there is an unnatural elevation of my hair where the bump is, creating a weird lump on the top of my head. I try to arrange my platinum blond hair to form a high bun to cover the elevation. Frustration increases as I fail to create a beautiful bun and instead create a huge messy tangle, looking worse and worse the more I touch it.
“Argh!” I throw my brush down in frustration and head to my closet to find a hat to cover both my bump and now my terrible hair day. I sigh and slump against my soft couch in my fluffy pink room. What should I do now? The prince is hosting a ball in the next three days to celebrate his older brother’s return from the war and I can’t be looking like this as his fiance!

I rummage through my clothes to find a relatively decent hat with pretty yellow flowers that match my current attire. I stuff my hair under the hat and inspect my work. It looks a little weird to not be showing any hair, but it is certainly better than that bird’s nest and alien formation.
I stomp around my room in contemplation of my dilemma and also waiting on Mary to come back. Hopefully Mary can tame these tangles and figure out a way to cover the bump just in case the hat I chose flies away during the outdoor party.

I scamper to my desk to admire the invitation that has my beautiful name elegantly embroidered in gold fancy lettering. I squeal. It’s been over a month since I’ve seen my prince! I need to look my best to make sure he falls in love with me and my charms so that I can become the queen!
I jump around in excitement when suddenly a sharp pain runs throughout my head and I collapse in discomfort.
Just in time, Mary barges through with some hats to see me clutching my head in pain.
“My Lady, Lady Annelise!” Mary’s frantic voice echoes through my head as the throbbing pain increase in intensity, the only thing I can focus on as I squirm in discomfort. What is going on? This hurts so much!
“Aghhhhh!” My head feels like it's splitting into two as my surroundings fade into white and I drift off, Mary’s voice still ringing in my ears.

“..dy, my lady….! My lady..!!” A voice rings in my head as I groggily open my eyes.
“Ugh, my head hurts,” I grumble. Someone quickly places a cold towel over my forehead and I see Mary hovering over me. I blink a few times as a rush of new information fills my mind.
Knowledge of my fiance, a maid, and myself come into view and with it a horrible realization. I quickly sit up, the towel drops onto my lap, getting my blanket wet.
“WTF?” I yell. Mary jumps from my sudden outburst.
I’m a freaking villainess in a web novel that dies in an accident!

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