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"Edith Winston, I've seen you before me for breaking and entering one too many times. I hearby sentence you to six years in San Joaquin County Correctional. You'll be up for parole in three years," the judge said, looking down at me from his box. I just nodded and accepted that. I'd get out four months after my 22nd birthday, and just two months after my brother.

"This is good. On good behavior you can be out while your still in your early twenties," the public defender is been given said.

"Trust me that's not because of you," I said. I followed the guards and they took me off to prison.

That was three years ago. Since then I've kept my head down, studied, and done art and magic tricks for money. The magic was a happy side effect of learning to pick pocket when I was younger. It was always fun to mess with my dad's brothers at SAMCRO.

I managed to get a community college degree in accounting, but that was just so I had things to do while inside. I've been working out a lot. It's the only way the guys take me serious enough to let me prospect.

I did one last set of push ups in my cell before the guards came to get me and I was taken down to my freedom. I pulled on my clothes from the day I'd been arrested and they didn't fit quite right anymore.

I contemplated calling my father for a ride, but decided against it and took a cab to Teller Morrow.

While he was driving me, the young cab driver kept trying to flirt with me but I brushed it off. I wasn't dealing with that. I thought about maybe having him drop me off at my brother's but I couldn't be sure he lived in the same place. I knew he'd gotten out, he'd been to visit me once. Donna wasn't thrilled about it so the kids weren't allowed to come see me and Ope couldn't come back again. It didn't matter though because he's only been out about two months after a five year stint for arson for the club.

At least he got the club protection and lawyers. I'd been arrested on Breaking and Entering for the club and got no protections because I'm not a member. Just an attachment who they like to exploit but that's done. If they don't patch me in I'm not helping them again.

The drive to Charming was long, especially because the driver sucked and wouldn't go over the speed limit at all. I couldn't wait to be back on my bike and racing down these roads with my older brother and his best friend. Hopefully they still had time for me.

That's when the thought of leaving crossed my mind. I knew I could go to my dad's and get my bike out of storage and just take off. Most people wouldn't know I was out just yet so I could get away with it and be long gone before they started to look for me.

My mind raced with things as the mountains gave way to Charming city limits. I forced myself to relax as he pulled into the Teller Morrow lot. I paid him with the little cash I had on me and he accepted it, probably so he could write the ride off as some moral good deed and make himself feel better.

I stood in the California sun, just absorbing the heat for a solid minute before anyone noticed me.

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