Chapter 31 - One More Light

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Backstage of Singapore Indoor Stadium

Immediately After the End of Rock Dog's Performance

8.20pm Mengcheng Time/9.20pm Singapore Time

As soon as Rock Dog returned to the backstage, they were celebrating over how well the performance had gone, realising that the seven months spent preparing for this very performance was very much worth it. Even if they were already one of the most popular bands in the region, Rock Dog found the resurgence in their popularity right now.

While Rock Dog walked back to the backstage, they stopped to find Bodi almost collapsing to the ground, resorting to kneeling backstage on one knee. "Bodi," Darma came to help Bodi up. "You're ok?"

"I'm fine, Darma," Bodi was feeling tired. "I think I used too much of it."

The "Fire". It was true Bodi had used as much of it as he could without collapsing on the stage. Darma held Bodi on her shoulder and helped him trudge back to the Green Room, where Paris, Ian and Khampa were there to congratulate the band on an awesome performance. While everyone was congratulating each other, Darma got Bodi onto the sofa. The mastiff had gotten more tired at this point.

"Mind if I sleep on your shoulder, Darma?"

Darma seems to enjoy a bit of Bodi since their secret engagement. "Yeah, go ahead."

After a very long time, Bodi rested his head on one of Darma's shoulder, snoring soundly as he finally get to rest after preparing and performing for months.

However, while he was rejuvenating himself, Bodi's ghost had other ideas...


"Bodi! Bodi!" was what the mastiff heard after he fell asleep on the shoulder. He began blinking and regaining vision to find himself sensing significant lightness.

"Bodi Lang! Wake up!" he felt a slap hitting across his face. The mastiff immediately awoken his senses and sat up. What he saw next perplexed him. It was a white fox, and one that looked all too familiar.

"Swifty?" Bodi found himself face to face with the arctic fox, wearing a white suit, who immediately hugged him.

"Bodi! I missed you! I saw your performance, and it was great!"

"Wait, hold on," Bodi found it hard to grab hold of his dream. "I thought you were dead?"

"Well, duh. You saw me jumping off the hospital building the day I died." Swifty helped Bodi get back on his feet. "Come, there's something I need to show you."

Bodi found himself in the clouds with Swifty, wondering whether he died in his brief sleep. Swifty guided the mastiff on a long walk that led to...

"Mr Fleetwood Yak, your Bodi's here!" Swifty led Bodi to an old yak, still in his traditional tunic. "Now Bodi, I know you still have yourself on earth, so I'll leave you to it. Great seeing you again!"

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