Chapter 17 - Suddenly Missing You So Bad

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Three Days Later...

(Song: "Forever" by Karakat Bashanova)

Mengcheng Morning Newscaster: Our top story this morning, it is the third day of the Lunar New Year festival as celebrations continue throughout Mengguo... except for the northern city of Beidongshan, where the residents there are mourning the loss... of a true icon. Popular YouTuber and singer James "Swifty" Swift committed suicide by jumping off the Mengcheng General Hospital, days after his SwiftyTV team, which included his wife Jade Xia, were killed by a drunk driver crashing into them.

It was also noted that his suicide note, in the form of his final YouTube livestream, has gone viral, hitting 10 million viewers at its peak. Despite YouTube attempting to shut down and delete re-uploads of the livestream, there were still snippets of his livestream still on the video platform.

Earlier yesterday, in a speech outside the Beidongshan Istana, Beidongshan Mayor Aaron Wilson made a speech announcing a week of mourning in honour of Swifty and his SwiftyTV crew. Here's what he has to say during the speech.

Mayor Wilson: ...This great town of Beidongshan has lost... a local hero. James "Swifty" Swift has consistently made this town proud and has also come back, with the help of his SwiftyTV team, to contribute to Beidongshan's development. My two children, Duke and Dakota, grew up in the same school as him and he is always filial to his single mum. He had also landed us on the global map thanks to the movie he and his team, together with us locals, created together. Beidongshan will miss him dearly.

We also like to pay our tributes to the rest of his team. His wife Jade Xia, his adopted brother Perry Baxter, and his friends Lemmy Tong and the Franklin twins of Leopold and Bertha. May them, too, rest in peace.

Newscaster: Swifty's funeral is set for 2 February in Beidongshan and experts predict a very high turnout for the funeral, mostly from locals. The funeral will also be live on YouTube at the request by Penny Tan, Swifty and Perry's mother, who is also organising the event. She wished that as much of you around Mengguo will join in to pay last respects to one of the most successful YouTubers and singers in Mengguo...


2 February 2025

Outside Marriott Beidongshan Harbour


In her many years since being with Bodi, Darma had never seen her boyfriend so void of any emotion.

Everyone in Rock Dog knew Bodi has always been the naïve, happy-go-lucky Tibetan mastiff that no matter what gets into his way, but it has been days since the reunion dinner at Bodi's village that he showed a smile on his face.

Wearing a sombre suit like the other male Rock Dog members, Bodi had not uttered a single word since stepping onto one of the band's two SUVs at the hotel lobby. As per usual, Bodi and Darma were together at the back with Angus (whom Dr Kim approved him to make the trip to chilly Beidongshan with the rest of Rock Dog), his wheelchair folded and stored at the back of the car.

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