Chapter 0 - Crazy World

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September 2019

SwiftyTV's Mansion


Hours After the Conclusion of "Rock Dog: The Songs We Sing"

With most of the wedding guests already departing from the mansion, Swifty and Jade took the responsibility of sending off their guests by the main entrance as their cars start to leave. Some left by their own vehicles, others left by foot, possibility to take public transport home.

The fox couple felt relieved it was over. They had celebrated their best day of their lives and, together with the rest of their SwiftyTV team, concluded the wedding on a fantastic note. Swifty, the white fox also known as James Swift, Jade's permission to rub her belly many times, excited over the prospect of a new baby.

"Swifty, this was the sixth time you're doing this," his new wife was chuckling over his weird behaviour. "And it tickles!"

Swifty found no harm in doing so. "Relax, Jade. I can't wait to be a dad in a few months! Besides, imagine us and our new baby together. This was what I'm hoping for."

"If only you tone down your childish behaviour this once..."

Swifty and Jade were alone by the main door to their mansion, the rest of their team having returned inside. Still, there was one more group of guests to bade farewell to. "There they are!" Swifty waved at that group.

Swifty had invited Rock Dog to perform at their wedding and even successfully surprised Jade with bringing in Arvingarna, the dansband group from Sweden. He might have to pay high fees to bring them in, but still...

The band was in their wedding-appropriate white outfits. Bodi, Darma, Angus, Grem and Trey, together with temporary members Johnny and Ash, were too about to leave. It might be a mini-concert, but the band had a great time at the mansion, anyway.

Swifty gave Bodi a hug. "Thanks for coming down to perform, guys."

"Appreciated, Swifty," the mastiff took a slight bow. "So... what's next for you two now that you're officially married?"

Eventually, they spent the next few minutes laying down their plans. Swifty and Jade planned to take a break from their YouTube stuff and returned to Beidongshan, Swifty's hometown, for a short honeymoon. Meanwhile, Johnny and Ash would return to St Jupiter to continue their prospect while as for Rock Dog...

"We're still on that next album," Bodi shared his band's plans. "Ian's not rushing to get it done, though, so there's still plenty of time."

"Splendid! Will be looking forward to it." Swifty was about to say farewell for now. "Oh, one more thing, you all, how about we take one last group selfie together?"

Once everyone agreed and took their positions, Swifty brought out his own selfie stick from his room and joined the others in taking one last picture together. For everyone, they hoped this picture will take a last time.

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