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BigHit entertainment officially said that the upcoming comeback of the group will be cancelled due to some personal purposes. Well they just said it because it's all about Y/n's incident on her school and plus, they have to talk about what Heeseung said.

Fans were very sad for the news. While there are some who kept their mouth shut to prevent some issues. While the rest...well you know it.

After that, Y/n's slowly recovering. So Mr. Bang decided to have a serious talk between the ENHYPEN and HERA members.

" You know the reason why I called all of you here privately, right ? "

" Y-Yes...Mr. Bang-- "

" Then what did I just heard from Heeseung ? You and Heeseung are in a relationship ? Even though you have a dating ban because you're new in the K-pop industry, Y/n ? I'm not gonna make this long. End this thing. NOW. "

Since Y/n and Heeseung sat next to each other, she held Heeseung's hand which he caressed it.

" But Mr. Bang-- "

" When did you started dating ? "

" Since...at the survival show. "

" End this thing, NOW. "

" Mr. Bang... "

" Stop your relationship or you'll be removed from your group. "

" No, Mr. Bang...please...y-you can't do this. " Heeseung said as he's starting to cry while holding Y/n's hand.

" I'll give you 2 weeks to choose. If you still didn't gave me the answer, automatically, you'll be removed or maybe I'll disband the group. No matter how successful you are. "

" Mr. Bang-- "

" That's all for today, I'll be waiting for your answer. "

Heeseung was hugging Y/n when they went outside. The other members decided to have their own meeting together to talk about it.

" I'm s-so s-sorry guys...I didn't know that it will went through this... " Y/n said.

" You don't know, Y/n ? You already knew it on the first place ! Look, even the rest of us and your members are affected too ! Why do you have to be so careless ?! " Jungwon said as he looks like really upset.

" I-I'm sorry, Jungwon... "

" Sorry is not enough, Y/n. "

Heeseung was triggered at Jungwon so he tried to push him but his members stopped him.

" Hyung ! Calm down ! Please ! " Sunoo said.

" Y/n's not careless, okay ?! She keep our relationship secret and she's also very careful too ! I'm the one who's careless here because I keep saying it without using my mind ! "

" Oh yeah, you're careless too ! Because on the first place, you're in love with Y/n already and just focused how to make her yours without even thinking the possible consequences ! Beomgyu-hyung warned you, right ? And you didn't took it. Now look...we're now struggling because of Y/n !"

" Don't ever blame Y/n ! Don't you dare to act innocent, Jungwon ! You also helped me that time right ? All of you helped me that time and you also didn't think of the consequences ! So don't just blame Y/n if all of us have our own faults too ! "

The rest of the ENHYPEN members calmed a bit at what Heeseung said. He's right. Back at that time, they also helped him to be with Y/n even if it's forbidden.

" P-Please...s-stop...I c-can't take the sight of you fighting with each other... "

" Guys, stop fighting please. We can't make things right if you'll just continue that. " Art said while comforting Y/n.

As they calmed down, they began to talk again but their managers and the other staffs went inside the dancing studio of HERA.

" Mr. Bang said from now on, ENHYPEN will never have any communication with HERA. Anything you have, as long as ENHYPEN is related to it, we will stop it. "

Because of that, Y/n cried more and Heeseung just made an outburst.

" Why all of you has to be like that ?! We're allowed to write or sing a love song but we can't have the love of our lives ? We can't just have to stay like this forever ! And you'll say that we're still young so we're just gonna breakup ? No way! Me and Y/n's relationship is different from others even from the other idols. If the others broke up while the others were removed from the group but they still stand strong, ours is completely different. We won't break up not just because we're young and you can pull us down."

Until Y/n spoke.


" Are you out of your mind, Y/n-- "

" No, I'm not. If you think that we'll breakup like from the stories you'd read, you're completely wrong. Heeseung fought with his whole heart for me and I didn't do anything because I kept my mouth shut. But now, I'm completely different. We will continue this relationship AND we will make sure that there will be no breakup, removal, and disbanding of groups. Plus, the fans love it. Their fans and our fans loves us. And also, the two of us have a very important role in our own group. Don't you think that if you removed us, the group will be nothing ? And didn't you think that if you disbanded the group, many fans will be angry and what do we think ? Maybe they will do a protest again against the company...I think Mr. Bang wouldn't want that to happen right ? Heeseung...let's go. Guys, let's go. " Y/n said as she became a fearless woman and left their managers dumbfounded.

" We will continue our comeback girls...no one can stop us. If the producers doesn't want to help us, we'll force them and if they really don't want to, we'll make our own comeback. I'll prove to Mr. Bang that the two of us won't break and I'll prove to our fans that we'll be fine as long as they'll be with us till the end despite of this hindrance. "

" How can we make our comeback, Y/n ? "

" With the help of my friends... " Y/n said as she smirked.

Y/n was talking about Stray Kids. They also can help her. 3RACHA can help them to make music while Y/n will also ask the help of Dreamcatcher to help them.

" But Y/n-unnie, BigHit are always the one who posted the comeback videos of us and the others in YouTube. "

" Don't worry, Christa. We can do this... "

" I'm a woman of my word. If I promised to Heeseung that we'll stay strong even if the agency knew this, I will stay strong until my last breath. I won't also let him to disband our group especially ENHYPEN. I won't also let him to remove us from the group. "

" Let's make him wait for 2 weeks for just to hear my decision. "

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