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And indeed, life wasn't always smooth for Emma.

After graduating, she found her passion for theatre unwavered, so she went on to study performing arts.

This wasn't an easy decision to make, but with her family's support, she followed her heart into a brand new journey.

She worked hard, and completely the course with flying colours.

As she looked back, she thought bouncing from performing to acting then was tough, but she did learn a thing or two about the industry. And, it was mostly enjoyable.

At the same time, Emma found that a good director can really impact the production and make sure a play or movie stays true to its meaning.

The following year, Emma, at the age of 27, directed her own movie. She poured her heart into the production process.

I would be lying if I said Emma didn't have any fights with her mum. I would also be lying if I said she didn't receive hate— "she's trying to follow her mother", "stick to acting like your mom"... — comments like that threatened to challenge Emma's pursuing of her dreams.

But indeed, there's nothing stronger than love.

With support from her mum and well-earned opportunities, it all came naturally. One by one, Emma hit her milestones: casting, shooting, up to their premiere. Everyone was so proud of their creation, as they should be. Emma found such joy in directing and did a marvellous job letting all the cast and crew share their full potential. That's what made their project so special.

Hence, when it was announced that Emma got nominated for an Academy award for directing, which was a deserving one, the whole crew celebrated along with her.

Needless to say, her mother was beyond proud. Not just because of the award nomination, but seeing her daughter content and happy doing what she loves. Obviously, her friends were pleased for her as well, especially Lily, whom she maintained a firm friendship with through thick and thin.


They were introducing the Best Director award.

Emma was lost in a train of thoughts, nerves and mostly excitement. No matter what, she was so pleased and honoured to have been able to produce such a film, and to be acknowledged for that is... indescribably amazing.

Her attention zoomed back to the announcer, to the words.

"The Best Director award goes to..."

She held her breath.

"Emma North!"

Emma looked up with a start.

Her heart pounding, she strolled up the stage to receive her award.

"Mum, I did it! Um, wow... I can't believe it. This movie really holds a special place in my heart, and I'm so happy everybody could...relate to it. It's beautiful how movies, and any type of art can unite, bring together so many people. I want to thank my crew, the producers, the cast, it's my honour to work with you, it truly is..."

This feels like a dream, Emma thought as she continued to express her heartfelt gratitude to all that had helped her.

"And lastly, I want to thank my mum, who's watching all the way from home. Everything I have ever accomplished, it's all because of you. You have lifted me up, guided me, been such a strong example. I'm so, so honoured to be your daughter. Thank you for everything you do for me, all the support you give me. If it weren't for your encouragement, god knows where I'll be now," she said, with a chuckle.

"I love you, Mum, I would give anything to hug you right now. Again, thank you, Academy- "

Emma's mouth gaped wide open as a figure approached the stage. There it was, that loving mother of hers, looking at her so proudly, surprising her as she once did for a school dance competition.

And so, with the cheers and applause erupting from the crowd, the mother and daughter tearfully embraced, silently exchanging a thousand words.

The End

Emma Watson NorthWhere stories live. Discover now