Chapter 24

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One year later

"Where are you taking me?" I squealed.

It was Christmas morning. First, we FaceTimed Grandma and Meldrick, and had good talks. Then, Mum claimed there was a surprise for me, so here I was. Eyes covered, being dragged around the house for the mysterious surprise.

We got out to our backyard, I realised, feeling the warm rays touch my skin.

"What are we doing out here- "

"Open your eyes, Em."

My eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. What's tugging at my pants? I looked down, and there it was- a little, furry puppy, gazing up at me curiously. It had big brown eyes and was brown with black patches over its eyes.

Tears welled at my eyes. Hugging Mum, while jumping up and down with delight, I said, "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm dreaming, I swear. It's adorable, thanks Mum, I love it..."

Now a tearful mess, I kneeled down to stroke the puppy's fur. My heart was full.

"What's its name, Mum?"

"It's a boy dog, baby. They said his name's Moose, at the adoption centre."

I looked up at her, filled with gratitude. "It's perfect."


"Mum, you almost forgot your dress, and your glasses. Again."

Shaking my head at Mum frantically returning to her room to retrieve the forgotten items, I thought: Seriously, this woman wouldn't last two days without me. I couldn't help laughing.

"Thanks, Emma." Mum facepalmed herself. "I'm so forgetful."

Today, Boxing Day, we would head straight to the airport to take a flight to the premiere of the movie Mum was filming, The Hustler's Wave", in London.

In the blink of an eye, we were in London. The car which transported us came to a stop, and the Leicester Square stood before us.

I felt a thrill surge down my spine. It's been a while since we have been in England. Though we used to live in the U.K., we've never been to this venue. I stared, a little in awe.

"It's so nice to be back," Mum remarked, as though reading my mind. She eyed the premiere venue, eyes glowing. "It's magnificent, isn't it?"

We stepped out, entering the Square. Through the flashes of the cameras, I spotted Florence, Olivia and others. We quickly went over to hug them.

There was an hour before the premiere started. We met some fans and walked the red carpet. Mum and the other cast members looked like goddesses and gods in their gorgeous outfits.

It always felt a little weird being surrounded by a crowd of cameras and people. But it was simultaneously fun, especially the group photos.

As I smiled to the cameras, strolling in my long, red dress, Florence came over and nudged me half-teasingly, "Look at you, Emma, looking so graceful and poised."

"Thank you," I replied shyly, "you too."

Afterwards, we settled into the theatre. There was a stage before us, with a huge screen hanging from the ceiling. The director had a few words to the actors onstage. I could see, from the genuine smiles on their faces, that what they created was something special.

And I was right. The movie was thrilling, romantic, bittersweet all together. I was laughing one second then crying the other. The ending was- I'm not spoiling it for you.

When it ended, we were all up on our feet. I clapped harder than everyone else. I felt proud of all the crew.

What followed that was a frenzy of congratulating, and the after party. We stayed for a bit then left.

"How was that?" Mum asked me as we returned to the hotel.

"The movie was phenomenal. It's been a while since we've been to an event together. An exciting day, for sure."

"Wanna head back to the hotel and just chill for the day?"

I nodded immediately. I love these events, but, phew, they can be a lot.

That thought came back to me again, when I was lying on my hotel bed after a few days of having fun around London.

We had just visited our favourite spots in the city, but towards the end we got bombarded by paparazzi again, which dampened our good moods a bit.

Sometimes it annoys me but I get why people look up to Mum and how they're just doing their job.

I remember being little and wondering why we attracted so much attention. I didn't understand why people had to follow us with cameras even if all we're doing is eating at a restaurant.

Always, Mum kept me safe. She kept our lives very private, to protect me and just let me just be me and have a normal life.

It's not all too bad, living life in the spotlight. I feel guilty for complaining, I thought. I have the sweetest Mum ever and, I have good friends, and a good life. I'm extremely grateful for the opportunities Mum and I get. It just gets overwhelming sometimes.

These thoughts ran through my mind. I FaceTimed Lily to check on Moose, who was staying with the McJohns while we were gone. Later, I pulled out a book and read, but found myself dwelling upon that instead.

I must have looked like I was on a verge of a breakdown, because Mum ensued to come over and hug me, even though she had no idea what was going on (I didn't either).

"Are you okay?" She cupped my head, while saying so.

"Yes," I stared into midair. "I'm just stressed," I muttered, which was true.

She nodded and pulled away. I knew she somehow understood. That's what I love about her, she cares a lot, but never pushes.

Not wishing to dampen our spirits, I smiled at her.

"Hey, let's watch a movie, before we sleep," she suggested, "unless you want to read."

My face lit up. "No, let's watch a movie."

We eventually decided on "Mamma Mia" (never gets old). We sang to the songs and danced to the dances, and soon I was very much cheered up.

As Mum gazed at me fondly during "Slipping Through my Fingers," I realised,

Life's not as easy for me as it sounds. Perhaps this is as "normal" as life will ever get, but one thing's for sure- I'm one lucky girl.

The movie gradually rolled to the credits, and looking at the reflection of Mum and myself on the dim screen, that's what I saw.

Me. Emma Watson North.

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