Chapter 22

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I peered to get a closer look.

The contact name "Meldrick Archer" was plastered on the screen, staring at me. 

That's... that's my dad.

At least my biological father, anyway. I bet you have been wondering since the beginning- Who's the dad?

It's rather simple, honestly. Meldrick and Mum separated before I was even born, and Mum raised me as a single mother.

That was practically all I was told. Mum rarely spoke about him, and they'd all get uncomfortable on the topic.

I've only met him one or two times when I was a mere child, so memories about him were very foggy.

Now, I'm not going to complain, because Mum filled his space so wonderfully, and delightfully. I never mourned the absence of a dad, nonetheless it was only normal to be curious and to ponder sometimes.

All I knew was, he has his own life, and we have our own lives now, and it was all better this way.

Yet, seeing his name on the vibrating phone rekindled the vague memories I had. My insides fluttered.

I sat there, not knowing what to do for so long that her phone stopped buzzing.

I was pacing in front of the couch, and just when I decided to call him back, the phone slipped out of my grasp.

I watched in horror as the phone dropped from my hand, slowly, slowly, and hit on Mum's sore ankle before bouncing onto the rug.

Out of all places, why that ankle? 

"Ow... Emma," Mum groaned as she woke up, clutching her leg.

I bit my lip. "Sorry Mum, I... I was just careless, and... dropped your phone," I stammered, hastily picking up her phone.

"On my ankle?"  

Then she eyed me suspiciously. "Wait, what were you doing with my phone?"

I hesitated. "Meldrick called."

She looked dubious. There was a look of disbelief on her face.

"Mel...Meldrick...Archer?" Her voice came out barely a whisper.

I nodded, then showed her the missed call.

I asked, "Why would he suddenly now, out of nowhere?"

"I guess there's only one way we can find out."

As she pressed on her phone, I was concerned if this was the right choice. What if this would bring back bad memories? I know, I was going to call him back myself, but Mum was asleep then. I don't want Mum hurt.

"Are you sure, Mum?"

She looked me straight in the eye. "Yes."

Meldrick answered almost right away.

"Hello Emma. You called back," he chuckled awkwardly.

I spotted a blonde woman playing with a toddler in the background.

I raised an eyebrow sceptically. So he has his own family now?

Mum started, "Meldrick... hi! Um, what exactly made you call, out of the blue?"

"Well, it's all over social media, about how you got into a coma, and went to the hospital," he scratched the back of his head. "But, you know how the media can be quite... dramatic sometimes, and tend to enlarge or exaggerate situations, so I wanted to call to ask if you're okay. You don't look like you're in a hospital...but..." he rambled.

Emma Watson NorthWhere stories live. Discover now