Chapter 15

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My music started.

I allowed myself to fully immerse into the dance, absorbing myself into the music.

I stepped, swirled, leaped, moved to the music, putting my heart and soul to the gliding movements. 

Every move had its purpose, pouring emotions flowing into the hearts of those watching — everything I felt, from the gloomy darkness, to the progressing flames, and triumph in the end — it was telling a story.

I ended with an arm stretched, legs poised. And that's when I returned to where I was, to the flaring lights above me, to the stage, and the crowds.

Time stood still for a moment, then a huge applause broke out. 

Smiling, I walked off the stage after a bow.

That was fun, I thought.


I was really proud of myself for pulling it off. I do wish Mum was there to see it though.

All the performances were stunning- the amount of passion and talent onstage was overwhelming. 

I was thoroughly savouring the experience of this competition, clapping hard for everybody as they deserved so. 

However, my mind kept getting flashbacks to the moment I looked at the audience. I vaguely saw a familiar face, but I don't dare get my hopes up.

Anyhow, the performances were very enthralling, and when I got back to the wings, Lily was so enthusiastically jumping it was so funny to see.

"That was amazing," she had said while hugging me tightly.

"Thank you," I had replied, breathlessly.

Soon, it was the prize ceremony.

I wasn't really expecting any awards because, I mean, my dance was originally supposed to be a duet.

Well, I still had that little tingle of hope, and that's alright.

Nevertheless, when they announced the "junior group" prizes, and I heard my name at "First Runner Up", I was so shocked I froze.

Gradually, I came to my senses, and stood up to go receive my award.

I walked onstage, dazzled, and received my plaque.

Cheeks reddened with delight, I proudly looked out to the clapping audience.

And that's when I saw a Mum, amidst the crowds.

She caught my eye, and waved, blowing a kiss.

I am not hallucinating.

How is she here? I was so pleased and confused at the same time. 

Two shocks in a time span of 2 minutes. It was all too much.

Happy tears ran down my cheeks.

I waved back, and thought to myself, as I gazed at my award plaque, Mum, this is for you. 

As soon as we were released, I literally ran to find Mum.

We spotted each other, and Mum opened her arms and wrapped me in a giant bear hug tenderly. 

"I'm so happy to see you, Mum."

"Me too, Em."

"Wait, then what about your book event?" I tilted my head to look up at her. 

She chuckled. "They called a few days ago. It was postponed for next week because they had some book stock and delivery problems to sort out."

"And you decided to surprise me?" I said, piecing the pieces together. 

She nodded.

"Thanks, Mum, " I smiled. 

She hugged me tightly and kissed me on the forehead.

"Good acting that night though. I was convinced you wouldn't come."

Grinning, she punched me on the shoulder playfully. "That's what I do. Hey, by the way! Emma! You were amazing up there. I'm so proud of you."

"It was supposed to be a duet with Savannah and I but she texted me last minute that she was sick," I explained, shrugging.

Her mouth taped open. "And so I wondered. Well, you were beautiful nonetheless, but I do hope she's okay."

I looked at her in the eyes. "I'm still soaking up the fact that you're here. What an eventful birthday." We chuckled.

At that moment, Lily walked over and patted me on the shoulder.

She and her mum both wished me "congratulations" and me and mum "happy birthday". 

I hugged Lily before we departed. "See you soon, Lily."


When we got home. Mum "surprised" me with chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, and ice cream with our own special sleepover like she does every year.

It was like I was a child again.

"I'm 14, Mum." I pretended to mind, trying not to seem too pleased.

"I know, I can't believe it either, Em," she chuckled, bringing out a small birthday cake.

I went to help her set it on the coffee table.

"I suspect you 'surprise' me every year because you want to eat cake and all the treats too," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You're not wrong. I mean it's my birthday too.

We shared a laugh. "Fair enough."

Before we blew out the candles on the cake, I made a silent wish.

I hope that Mum and I's bond will always be as strong as ever.

After filling our stomachs (not just with sweets), Mum suggested a movie, so we sat there together, my head on her shoulder.

"So proud of you today and everyday," she gazed over.

Flustered with pleasure, I blushed. "Thanks Mum, I'm proud of you too."

Then I lent an arm over to hug her from the side. 

"Happy birthday, Mum."

She kissed my forehead softly. "Happy birthday Emma sweetheart."

A short but sweet chapter!

Sorry I've been busy with school, so my update schedule's been slacking. I'll try my best though! 

Special shoutout to Shilop75 for voting and being so nice and supportive. <3

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