Chapter 23

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In the following days, Mum and I talked it all out.

Ultimately, I think it was fate that I was told at that time. Looking back, I'd rather have been told everything at 14 than 7, because I can understand the full situation and better decisions for myself.

Mum and I came to the consensus that, we will attempt to have more frequent contact with Meldrick and his family. They live quite far away so we will just settle with FaceTime calls.

I've decided I wanted to get to know Meldrick and the Archer family- we all deserve the chance to.

I struggled at first to accept the past and come to an agreement with myself, as it was all such a shock. I grew from being upset Mum, to Meldrick, then to myself, then came close to breaking down several times. 

By fixating my mindset that the whole situation was someone's fault, I had failed to realise until a few days later, that we all make mistakes, but life right now is better than fine. Everything turned out how it was supposed to turn out, and I had Mum, and my friends- there really was nothing to complain about.

Mum helped immensely, like always. She wanted to make it up to me- when she really had nothing she had to do so. Nevertheless, I had really needed her, and after figuring it all out, I found myself thinking, just how lucky and blessed I was. Mum had to face all the pain, whilst I was a child, too small to understand, and didn't have to be hurt. I'm glad at that time I had relieved her loneliness and gave us happiness. And I will continue to. 

This made me hold tighter to Mum than I ever had. In light of recent events, there's one thing I had learnt. To treasure your loved ones, including family and true friends.

When I was ready, we called the Archer family. 

I squirmed in my seat. As the call failed, I whispered to Mum, "What do I say?"

"Just say hi," she said, giving me an encouraging nod.

He answered, "Woah, hello there. What's up?"

Getting out of my trance, I stuttered, "Hello, uh, Meldrick. It's me, Emma. I didn't get to talk to you last time, and I've actually never really had a conversation with you, in my memory, so... I thought we could get to know each other better, you know."

His face softened. "Sure, Emma. So, you're in eighth grade?"

We proceeded to make comfortable natter, then all of a sudden he blurted, "Do you want to be friends?"

Laughing, I replied, "Okay, let's be friends."

Later on, Ashley and Halston joined, which was very pleasant, and at the end, when I suggested we talk again soon, the toddler squealed "Yeah!" so delightfully that mother call ended on a high note- and they agreed. 

We said our goodbyes, and after waving to them through the screen, I was still grinning like an idiot. My heart was pounding like crazy. I did it!

Mum patted my back. "That was probably the longest call I've had with Meldrick. Phew! Hey, honey, I knew you could do it," she declared, kissing my temple. "Did you enjoy talking to them?"

"Yeah, of course. Thanks Mum."

I looked at her, and she returned with a look so wistful that I had to reassure her, "Come on, you'll always be my number one, you know that. Nothing can change that. It's like what you always tell me: Sharing what you love never lessens your happiness, or something like that." I shook my head mockingly at that cheesy quote.

She shoved me in the ribs, shoulders going up and down with mirth. "Oh really, since when did I say that? Well, I have to say, I'm very honoured, Emma," she replied with a sarcastic undertone.

We cracked up, and she pulled me into a hug.


It had been several weeks, and I had been tending to Mum, which paid off because Mum was practically recovered. We had a checkup the day before, and the doctor had said Mum could go back to set, as long as she stayed careful.

Walking into the building with Mum, arm in arm, I felt refreshed. It's good to be back, I thought. To our astonishment, the main set room we were told to go to for conferencing before work was pitch black.

Mum clutched my shoulders as I fumbled for the light switch.


The lights turned on, and my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

"Surprise!" A chorus of excitement erupted, and the crew and cast members appeared.

The room had balloons, and a basket of flowers sat before us.

I watched Mum tear up in joy at them coming up to us one by one, showering us with "Welcome back"s. Watching the scene before me, I saw how we all cared for one another like one big family.

Most of them even came up to me and patted my back, giving praising remarks for taking care of Mum. 

"It's so good to see you both again," Florence squeezed me in a hug. "Your mum's lucky to have you, Emma. Thanks for making sure she healed nice and properly."

"Of course," I chuckled, then lowered my voice. "Actually it was very enjoyable being the 'mum' and getting to boss her around. Like ordering her to go to bed," I expressed with a smirk.

"What was that?"

I turned quickly and doubled up with laughter when I saw Mum, her face glowing and eyes glistening in happiness.

"Nothing, now go, you have a busy day ahead."

She grinned, and I knew, this was going to be a fun day.

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