Chapter 6

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The next few days my mind was occupied with the confusion from the bathroom incident. I was bursting with curiosity, yet was too scared and shy to ask. Would the answer I receive be a good or a bad one?

The following Saturday was a day I had been looking forward to. I would go to Savannah's house as usual but this time we would once and for all complete the choreography of the dance.

We worked really hard on the dance. The day was full of sweating, laughing and dancing.

I felt a huge surge of accomplishment as we cheered between heavy breathes. The dance was finally completed and finalised!

When it was time for me to leave, I was a little sad that the practice was over. Unfortunately, what Savannah told me at the door got me even sadder.

She said, "Hey Em, I'm so happy we did it. It's good timing because we can practise on our own now. I'll be quite busy the next following weekends so we probably can't practise together. I'm sorry, I'll tell you whenever I'm free though."

She gave me a sad smile. 

I returned it as I replied, "It's okay. Good luck on practising."

"You too."

I understood what she said and I knew she couldn't help it either, but tingling disappointment settled upon me as I thought about not having Saturdays to look forward to now.


A week passed by, and Saturday came again. I made small talk with Mum sometimes, but rehearsed the dance by myself in my room mostly. 

I felt great practising over and over again, feeling the movements through my arms and legs.

Feeling exhausted but contented, I went to the kitchen for a drink of water. I stretched out my sore limbs midway.

I leaned against the refrigerator, and was enjoying the pure bliss of iced water in my throat, when Mum stepped into the kitchen.

We greeted each other. I watched her as she poured herself a drink. I was about to turn away and go back to my room when she called out to me.

"If memory serves me right, tomorrow is Parent's Day at school, right?" She asked. 

"Right!" I beamed, delighted that she didn't forget.

"You nervous?"

"A little."

"I bet you've got really good grades."

"I sure do hope so," I laughed, "though I am mostly excited about showing you around school."

She grew silent.

"What?" I panicked, thinking something was wrong.

"Um, I was a little worried and, nervous to go to your school," she said uneasily, "you know, with all the crowds of parents, your schoolmates- "

I couldn't believe my ears. "So you're not going to attend this one too? Should've known," I cut in, a bit hurt.

"No! I never said that. Of course I'm going to come. It's just I phoned the teacher to arrange us o an earlier conference time," Mum defended herself.

My cheeks reddened. "You speak of my school, like it's a horrible disease or something," I retorted. 

My mum looked at me pleadingly, searching for some understanding but I gave her a stoned expression, telling her I'm not that obedient little kid anymore. I have feelings, feelings that can't be forced into "understanding" all the time.

"Come on, Emma. You need to learn to listen to my explanation first before storming off!" Mum exclaimed as I was about to turn away once more.

"It's because I don't want to pain myself, my feelings listening to your incessant excuses that convince me over, and over again that you have so many priorities over me!" I bursted, holding back tears. 

Her face dropped. "Oh, Emma..."

"Whatever, it's fine. I get it. I'm used to it." I muttered darkly, staring at my feet. 

"I didn't mean to upset you, I really didn't. You see, I originally planned for us to go to an event together on our birthday. It was a book event, a little festival. I thought you would really love a little party this year. Me and you, and books. I planned it as a surprise, but when I found out it clashed with your school dance competition I wanted to explain... I wanted to keep it a surprise, it was also not for sure yet then, I didn't want to get your hopes up, or down in this case..." 

By this time, tears were streaming down my face. I did misunderstand my mum, Savannah was right. "Sorry..." I started, my heart heaving with guilt. Why was I so quick to judge?

Mum interrupted me. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't realise how much school, this competition meant to you. It would be terribly selfish of me to even think of taking that happiness away from you."

I wiped my tears. "So you're coming? To my dance competition?"

"Darling, I'm still not sure. I confirmed my going there but I'll try my best to come. I'm definitely coming to your Parent's Day though, so don't you worry." She smiled jokingly.

I was a little speechless but it felt different this time. I was grateful that Mum intended to give me such a beautiful birthday surprise, and that she does care about me. She didn't want to miss my school event. I gazed into her misty eyes trying to get my thoughts through. To my surprise, she nodded.

"Sometimes I feel like, I'm inadequate doing my job as a mother." Mum sighed and looked out. Returning her gaze to me, she stared into my eyes determinedly. "Emma, always know that you're amazing. Your mother loves and supports you with all her heart. I make mistakes, but I love you Emma, don't ever forget that."

"I love you too, Mum." I replied, and hugged her.

She reciprocated the hug. A subtle action, but a big difference. The mood of the room changed to an uplifting sense of forgiveness.

She pulled away, still holding me in her arms. Then, she gave me a gaze that spoke for her, that made me feel like a million diamonds, that reassured me I would always be her top priority. 

I breathed a sigh of relief, and of joy. I've missed this. 

Finally, some Emma and Mum content. What do you think's happening next? 

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