Chapter 4

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My mum and I were silently sitting in a cafe having our breakfast. I explained about the dance competition and the details of me going to Savannah's house, as I munched on my blueberry pancake.

"Sounds good. School's going fine?"

I could hear the uncertain tone in her question. I couldn't help being thankful for her concern yet getting a little tired of it at the same time.

Shaking my head while laughing, I reassured her, "Of course, don't worry."

"Glad to hear you're getting along well with your schoolmates, Em." She smiled warmly at me as I went on and on about the most random things at school.

I was happy to grasp the chance to share how great school was. I felt proud to prove to Mum that it was a good idea sending me to Evergreen Lake.

"Thanks Em." I replied with a "serious" face.

We were both alternately rambling on, picking up comfortable conversation. I was really pleased that we got a little mother-daughter time from this hectic week and I think Mum felt the same.

Just as we were almost ready to leave, she received an important call and had to answer it. I was used to this happening and stayed silent. I understood when she motioned for me to leave with her. I gathered my belongings and she did the same.

She had stepped out of her chair and was heading towards the exit already when I was hopping out of my chair to follow her.

Suddenly, I spotted the receipt of our meal lying right in the middle of the table. My mum's usually extremely careful to get the receipt with her in fear of personal information leaking. I guess she got distracted by the phone call.

I grabbed the tiny piece of paper that could cause us so much trouble and rushed after my mum.

I didn't tell her all the way home because she was stop talking on the phone. I obediently kept quiet.

At home, after a while, I heard her "goodbye" over the phone and the familiar sound of her putting down her phone coming from her room.

Knowing that the phone call was over, I tentatively knocked on her door and, upon hearing her say "come in!", I went in and jumped onto her bed.

I love lying on her soft bed with her chilling and she doesn't mind although I make her sheets all into a scramble of mess.

"Sorry dear. The sudden phone call." She closed her eyes then let out a small sigh.

I nodded understandingly and mumbled "it's fine".

"But um..." I continued, fishing my pockets then pulling out the receipt, "you almost left this..."

Her dark eyes instantly grew wide with alertness.

"Oh my goodness," she exclaimed as she took the receipt. "Thank you, Em," she said as she looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"It's okay Mum, that phone call just let your guard down. You're always careful. Plus I'm here to look out for you, just, next time don't forget." I laughed casually.

It felt weird reassuring my mum but the truth is, we have to both look out for each other because being a celebrity comes with privacy issues.

She opened her arms as I shifted myself into her embrace. She planted a kiss on my forehead and said, "Oh Emma, I would never be able to live without you."


Savannah's house was not too far away but Mum insisted on me being driven there.

After a scrumptious lunch, I waved Mum goodbye as she dropped me off then drove off.

I knocked on Savannah's door. She answered the door with a bright smile and welcomed me in. 

In her room, we discussed and decided on the genre of dance and filled in the form. We were doing a contemporary dance piece and naming it "Light into the Darkness".

We went online shopping for costumes too and ended up fighting the perfect matching black and white costumes to match the theme. I would be "darkness" and she would be "light".

Only the opening of the dance was choreographed, because by then it was time to go home for dinner.

"Well, I guess time flies when you're having fun," Savannah laughed.

I replied, "At least now we're on the right track. We can continue right away next time where we left off."

"Yeah. We can schedule the next practice later on at school?" She said as she brought me to the door.

I nodded and waved when I spotted Mum's car coming over. I ran over to her car and we went home, me grinning from ear to ear from all the fun I had today with my friend.


I have to admit, I used to enjoy staying at home a lot. Since I went to school and then Savannah's house, staying at home seems... boring now.

Still, home's the safest place there is.

My birthdays are usually spent at home with Mum. We have a special day together with the cutest cakes and it's just a tender moment all to ourselves.

This year though, I'll be having a dance competition right on my birthday at school.

"You've been smiling to yourself since you came back from Savannah's. What's up?" asked my curious mum, studying my face.

"Huh?!" I replied awkwardly. "Honestly, I'm just so engulfed in anticipation of... everything!" I flung my arms out to indicate my point.

My mum smiled. "School really changed you. I'm so happy that you could experience this um..." she searched for a word, "more of a typical 13-year-old life."

I grinned goofily because that's exactly what I thought.

We were sitting there in comfortable silence, having our dinner when I received a text message from Savannah which said, "Guess what? I just found out that on the form it says you can bring your family to see the dance competition! How cool is that?"

I stared at my phone.

"Mum!" I jumped into her. "Look!"

I held my breath as I imagined what fun this year's birthday would be, as my mum read the text message.

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Emma Watson NorthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant