Chapter 16

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It was Thursday.

Mum and I had finished dinner, then went to our own rooms.

I looked up from a project for school I was working on, stood up, and stretched my arms.

Deciding to go check on Mum, I walked across the landing to knock on Mum's door.

"Come in, sweetie!" She responded. 

She was stretched out completely on her bed.

I giggled, then flopped on the soft mattress next to her.

"Hi," she said, putting down her phone.

"How are you doing?" I said, gently brushing away the hairs on her forehead.

I noticed she looked tired today so I didn't push her too much or get too jumpy because I could tell she needed some well-deserved peace and quiet.

"I've been better, I guess."

"Then I better give you some time to yourself and not annoy you then," I chuckled.

I was prepared to leave but she reached out and looked into my eyes so confidingly, and said, "No, Emma, please stay... if you want to."

Her face brightened as I returned.

She didn't say a word; so I wrapped my arms around her. I felt her relax.

"It's okay, we all have our bad days," I reassured her.

She smiled. "Thanks."

"I mean, I get stressed too and overwhelmed, you know, for example like school and all the work."

"I can tell when you do," she murmured.

"Yeah? How?" I inquired, stroking her hair mildly.

"I don't know, the same way you can," she said affectionately.

And yes, I could feel that something was just upsetting her, and she's feeling a bit down; but I knew she would be okay.

There's nothing I can do but be there for her, like how she always is when I need her. 

"Hey, on the bright side," I said softly, "we have the reading book event on Sunday. I'm excited that we get to go together now."

That book event that was supposedly held on our birthday got postponed to this upcoming Sunday. Thus now, like how Mum planned, we were both attending it.

She stared to the distance, and looked back at me. "Yeah, it'll be fun," she smiled, pulling me towards her from the side, and kissed me on the head sweetly. 

"There we go," I said, glad to see that smile again.

There was a slight pause where she gave me a fond glance.

"Oh, I love you Em."


On Sunday morning, we woke up earlier than usual to get ready.

The event was actually more of a carnival type, and a rather casual activity. Therefore, we had decided to just dress in T-shirts and jeans. 

Mum did my make-up that morning, just a little natural look. I don't always apply make-up because I'm lazy but occasionally I do.

"Thanks Mum," I said as she was done.

In the car, Lily texted me saying, "Hey, have fun at your book event!! Don't forget to tell me about  it afterwards :)". 

When we arrived, and saw all the sections, the books and a small stage, my eyes widened.

Mum and I looked at each other, grinned, then walked in.

It was like a carnival, with various sections dedicated to different genres. There were comfortable seats everywhere for reading and book sharing, counters with entertaining activities.

I stayed with Mum at first and went to the section of books on social issues, which included books about feminism, and others. After some browsing, discussing, I was very much enlightened, and was grateful for the speaking out of social issues. They even gave us a copy of a book of our own choice!

Then, I explored the place on my own. The casual, welcoming atmosphere in the air helped me push away any awkwardness, jump out of my shell, and let myself roam freely in the world of books.

After a few hours, it was lunch time.

We all sat on round white tables before the podium and enjoyed a delightful meal of spaghetti and sandwiches while various performances and sharing were done onstage.

I had reunited with Mum. We clapped and cheered loudly when the performances were done because they genuinely were impressive and we enjoyed it thoroughly. 

When it was time for Mum to make her speech, I patted her back encouraging and said, "You'll do great," to her.

I looked at her proudly as she adjusted herself on to the podium. She winked at me then started on a thought-provoking sharing of a few books. 

At the end of her speech, she acknowledged all of us,

"I'm beyond proud and honoured to be united here with all of you as book lovers. Books are so powerful, and so are you. To all the boys and girls growing up into young adults, including my own little one," with that she paused a little, looking at me, which made me blush slightly, "I want you to know, that we are all united, because we're all just ordinary people, living in this world together. I firmly believe you all are a force to be reckoned with, and you do whatever you put your heart to. I get just as insecure as you do, struggle as much as you do, but angels will come your way," she smiled.

"You are all brave in your own ways and you can get through the hardships in life. Love you all. Thank you."

A huge applause and cheers went up.

I hugged Mum tightly when she sat back down next to me, with a big smile on her face.

"That was amazing!"

"Thanks," she said happily.

Then a thought occurred to me.

"Mum? Do you still struggle? Do you still get insecure? Like I know everyone does, but...I don't know, I'm just curious."

"Yeah," she gave a small sigh, then continued, "and it never gets easy. It never gets easy, but being with you, and encouragement from people that love and care about me, makes me just a little braver, and it easier."

"Hey, you help me a lot too. Thanks for being there for me," I said quietly.

We exchanged a smile.

And thus the day continued, and when the event ended, we departed, much inspired by the wise words spoken and bringing with us the knowledge that would accompany and guide us on life's roads.

To anyone who's reading -> what Emma said in her speech. 

Thanks for reading, the next chapter will be a fun one! (Stay tuned!)

Emma Watson NorthWhere stories live. Discover now