Chapter 13

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It was the next morning.

The sun's rays shone through my curtains and woke me up from my slumber.

How cliché.

I groaned then got out of bed. Yawning, I went to go get ready.

Once I was done, I went downstairs. On the way down, I met Mum who was on her way down the stairs too. 

"Good morning," I said, smiling. 

"Morning, Em," she reciprocated, stifling a yawn.


We were chomping on our pancakes when I received a text notification. I glanced at the screen. It was Lily. 

"Excuse me, Mum. Lily sent me a text message."

Mum raised an inquiring eyebrow, then nodded.

I read the message.

"Lily asked me if she could come over," I responded, surprised.

"Oh, um, sure! She can come at... noon?"

"Okay, I'll tell her that."

I texted Lily back and continued eating my pancakes.

Soon it was noon. Mum was cooking in the kitchen and I was helping her make pasta for lunch. Yum.

Then, I heard the doorbell ring.

I pulled out my earphones. "Oh, it's probably Lily, I'll get it."

I was quite curious to what Lily wanted to say to me. I hope everything will be alright after that.

I opened the door, and saw Lily standing there.

She looked so apologetic and nervous that I hugged her before she could say hi. She immediately hugged me back.

After I pulled away, she said, "Hey, I'm so sorry. This whole time my mom had my writing folder and forgot to give it back to me until yesterday. I shouldn't have put the blame on you, I was too blind with panic and anger that I wasn't thinking straight. Now I'm babbling... but I just thought you deserved a face-to-face apology. I hope you can forgive me. You're a very good friend, and I never should've doubted you.

"Lily," I smiled at her, "it's okay. I forgive you. Misunderstandings happen. I'm just glad you found your writing folder. I understand how it feels to lose something dear to you, it's quite scary," I chuckled. 

Lily just stood there for a second, then burst into a smile.

"Thank you," she said with such happiness in her eyes that my heart warmed.

At that moment, Mum walked over, and after she exchanged a look with me, she knew everything was fine again.

While Lily shyly said "hi" to Mum, I had an idea.

"Hey, Mum, can Lily stay and we can hangout for a bit?"

"Sure, as long as it's fine with Lily."

Lily replied, "Oh, that'd be great, I hope we don't disturb you though. Wait, I'll go ask my mom, she's in the car. Wait a second."

A minute later, Lily and her mum were walking towards our door.

A few introductions were exchanged and soon we were in the house and chatting.

Lily's mum, whose name was Michelle, looked very much like her, with warm, light hazel eyes and brown hair. She had a very sweet and bubbly personality, which helped us get comfortable with her almost instantly.

We were all a bit shy at first, but we quickly got at ease with each other.

Mum got along very well with Lily's mum, as well as I did with Lily, which was pleasing to see.

After we all made (more) pasta and had lunch together, Lily and I went up to my room to have some hangout time "without our mums in the way" as we jokingly said.

So our afternoon was spent in joy and laughter, and when the guests departed, it was with invitations to "come again soon".


"Today was a fun day, wasn't it?" Mum asked me when we were lying around in her room that evening.

"Mm hm," I looked up from my book.

"Glad you and Lily's 'incident' was just a misunderstanding and now it's sorted out. Lily seems a very nice friend, it was very sweet for her to come and apologise like that. I'm happy that you forgave her, dear."

"Yeah, me too. She deserved it, of course, I know she didn't mean it," I replied. Then I suggested, "Mum, want me to help you run lines?"

She broke into a grin. "Of course, I'd love that. You're really getting very good at that, if I do say so myself."

We sat there, me helping Mum run lines, until she came to that line:

"And it made me realise, George, that bringing your life into mine, falling for you, sharing your burdens with you- it was all a mistake."

This kind had always impressed me, but this time it stuck differently.

I wondered out loud, "Mum, have you ever... ever thought that I was a mistake? Like an extra burden?"

"What put that idea into you, Emma? Not George, I hope," she giggled, then looking straight into my curious eyes, she started, "it was unexpected, hard to absorb at first, and there were difficult times, but I have never ever felt you were the mistake, sweetie."

She took a deep breath. "But when I had you, I... I felt less alone. I felt braver than I ever felt. You were my built-in best friend, Em."

"All in all, you were an absolute blessing. You inspired and continue to inspire me everyday. I think it was meant to be. Looking back, I don't regret a thing," she concluded.

"And you remember, Emma. You are never a burden to ones who truly care about you."

I looked up, too in awe to say anything, to see a single tear rolling down Mum's cheek.

"Why are you crying?" I scooted over to wipe the tear with my finger, and she held my hand there  tenderly, with such loving eyes my heart melted. 

"I don't know," her voice trembled slightly, "it's just, you're growing to me such a kind, caring little woman, it's so beautiful to watch. I really don't know what I would do without you."

"Thank you Mum, all of that was so nice of you to say," I smiled and continued, "I- I don't know what to say. I'm so grateful for you, and all that you complimented about me, applies to you from me too. You're the best mother ever, I'm truly so happy you're proud of me."

Then we just shared a silent moment after I put my arms around her and hugged her with my head on her shoulder. 

I closed my eyes, savouring the comfortable embrace.

"I love you, Mum."

She kissed me softly on the cheek. "I love you too, Em."

"Okay yeah this is getting cheesy, let's go back to reading," I joked, earning a little laugh from her.

I didn't pull away though.

I suddenly remembered how earlier yesterday I doubted her, like how Lily had, and how Mum had such strong faith in me. My face burned with shame.

I hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry, Mummy," I whispered in her ear.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like this book up to now! :)

Emma Watson NorthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant