Chapter 7

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The parent-teacher conference went smoothly. Miss Cahill said I was "diligent" and "a pleasure to teach". It was a little awkward.

Miss Cahill gave a soft and genuine smile as she handed us the report card. 

"Emma's academic performance this term was excellent. She topped the class."

My jaw dropped. I was enthralled- Mum's prediction had come true.

Mum, at that moment, smirked knowingly at me. "You're following in Hermione Granger's footsteps, I see," she playfully remarked, which made me roll my eyes and laugh at the same time. 

Before we left Evergreen Lake, I showed Mum around for a while.

She looked around, fascinated.

"You're managing so well at school, Emma, and you're loving it. Watching you enjoy school, as a mother, I couldn't be prouder."

She had a smile on her face so radiant I couldn't help returning it.

At night, as she usually does, she came into my room, kissed me goodnight and said, "I love you, Em."

"Seriously Mum, I'm thirteen," I giggled. "Love you too." 


I didn't really know what to expect on the day of school right after Parent's Day. Among clumps of people chattering earnestly, I spotted Savannah and some more classmates, so I went over to join their conversation.

Her face lit up as soon as she saw me.

"How was Parent's Day?"

"It went pretty well," I shrugged.

"Mine was fine too. What were your results?"

I was reluctant but then decided it wouldn't hurt to tell.

I bit my lip. "I... um... topped the class."

They all squealed and said something like "I knew it", nudging one another.

I stood there, not knowing what to say, before I saw Lily walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. Therefore I strode off and found her in the midst of the crowds, dazzled by their immediate reaction.

She looked just as confused as I was.

"Did I miss something?" She motioned to the group surrounding Savannah.

"I guess they're delighted on my behalf, for my results. I just told them I topped the class, and that happened."

"Haha!" She laughed heartily. "If that's the case, congratulations! I'm really happy for you, you deserve it."

My heart warmed. 

"I think I didn't do the best this term but I'm determined to work harder," she said with a hint of reproach.

"Don't worry, you're going to do great."


We both lifted our heads and realised we had arrived at the classroom.

In class, Miss Cahill announced the students who had achieved exceptional grades to the whole class.

Despite me being used to the "spotlight", I blushed and felt a little uncomfortable when I was in the centre of attention after Miss Cahill said my name.

I smiled shyly as they clapped. I knew I should be proud of myself because I've worked hard, but somehow I couldn't help feeling a little bad for others who did too. I sincerely hope they don't think I'm trying to beat them on purpose.


The whole day, Savannah and her "discussion group" had not stopped their constant chattering and giggling, and nudging.

They hadn't paid me much attention since the morning, and I was getting weirded out by their strange behaviour.

At lunch, I trailed  to the back of the "group" on the way to the cafeteria. I felt a little — no, very— left out, to be honest, but stayed silent, and followed them awkwardly.

Our usual table was packed. Savannah had invited some other classmates to our table.

Savannah just arranged for me to sit alone at the table next to them. As they continued bickering, excluding me in their conversation once again, their ignorance towards me became unbearable.

It grew obvious. They were rubbing in my face the fact that they had got bored of me. I was being judged, used, ridiculed, and thrown away, like an old doll you grow out of.

Finally, I stood up, looked all of them in the eye, and said, "Look, I'm not going to sit here and tolerate you all treating me like a toy without feelings. I will not allow you to make me feel worthless. And you." I looked hard at Savannah. "If you were friendly to me at first only because of what I am, that's disappointing of you. Maybe you were my friend sometime in there, but here you are, ditching me so effortlessly. I feel ashamed on your behalf," I said in a huff.

I saw their faces like they were slapped across the face, and knew what I said was all correct.

After my anger faded, sadness dawned on me. People that I had considered great friends, friends that would go through life's obstacles with me, they were fake. They weren't any more real than a mirage.

Gasp. Well that happened. It gets more intense, next chapter coming soon.

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