Chapter 12

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The following Monday I returned to school.

The week passed by quite in a blur. Then, it was Friday. 

Savannah and I had compromised to practise for the dance competition that day at lunchtime. Don't know how that'll go.


I walked out of the dance room, exhausted, but somewhat comforted.

The practice was a bit awkward, but we're doing exceptionally with the dance. I'm glad we're resuming the progress and not quitting. 

I could tell she was sorry. Nonetheless, I'm sure we both acknowledge the fact that things won't be the same as before.

After changing, I went to go find Lily.

Eventually, I found her in the boom corner.

We talked for a bit, then out of the blue she asked me,

"Hey, have you seen my writing folder? I remember lending it to you because you said you wanted to see it."

"Oh, my mum went over to your place to return it last week, when I was sick. Mum said she handed it to your mum then because you weren't home," I answered.

"No, you didn't return it. Emma, you knew that writing folder meant a lot to me. I trusted you with it!" She said, now getting rather upset.

"You didn't receive it?" I inquired, now very confused, "but I thought- "

"Ugh, I worked so hard on it, now it's lost," Lily said sorrowfully. "Are you sure you don't have it?"

I racked my brains but had no memory of it. I shook my head.

"Just, whatever. I thought you were responsible enough not to misplace it and return it to me without me having to beg for it." With that, she walked away.


I waded through my room. I've searched everywhere, and there's no sign of Lily's writing folder.

I furrowed my brows. I'm sure I gave it to Mum to return it. And I'm even more certain that Mum did completely that task for me, she'd never let me down.

Or would she?

I tried to brush that thought away.

The next morning, I was still quite troubled on this matter. 

During lunch, Mum asked me, looking concerned, "Hey Em, are you alright? You haven't spoken much today."

"I'm fine," I mumbled.

She didn't look like she believed me but she just turned back to her meal.

Lily's disappointing look had hurt me more than any bully's snarling remark could ever have.

The dejected mood stayed the whole day.

Later on, Mum knocked on my door timidly.

"Hey, want to come help me run lines?" She stuck her head into my room.

"No, I'm busy. Sorry Mum," I said, refining my gaze on my homework.

I knew very well I could just do my work tomorrow. Plus, I only had a bit left, I deserve a break.

Normally I'd abandon my homework in seconds because I completely adore helping Mum run lines. The way she graciously delivers her lines never fails to amaze me, even if just in her bedroom.

But I just wasn't in the mood then.

Thinking she had left, I stood up to go close the door, just to see her come in, closing the door behind her.

"Emma. Come on, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

I frowned.

She held my hands in hers and locked her gaze on me.

"Is it Savannah? School? Me? Just tell me."

It was just all too much. "Leave me alone, I'm fine, okay?" I snapped, in a moment of annoyance that boiled inside me, "Stop bothering me for once, just let me be!"

The second I said it I felt a pang of regret but I just yanked my hands away.

Her gaze hardened. "Fine. Thought you'd appreciate the offer but I guess not. Goodbye."

With that, she stormed out.

I stood there, eyes wide open. What did I just do?

Guilt weighed on me heavily. Above anything, I needed to set things right with my mum. 

I stopped at her door.

We're best friends. We never hide anything from each other.

I looked up and went in.

Mum was on her bed, muttering her lines to herself. When I walked up to her, she didn't look up.

"Hey, Mum? Look, I'm sorry for shouting at you. I didn't mean any of that. Shouldn't have rejected you in the first place. I'd love to run lines with you."

Mum ignored me, now reaching for her phone.

I sighed. This is harder than I thought. It's my fault though, so my responsibility to fix this.

Leaning over, I kissed her on the forehead, feeling truly sorry.

"Forgive me, Mummy, please."

Her face softened immediately and she had me on her lap in seconds.

"Oh honey, don't blame yourself now. It's okay," said Mum, stroking my back softly. I instantly felt better. I smiled.

"Okay, now," she placed me in front of her on the bed. We were now both sitting opposite each other, criss-cross-applesauce.

"Emma, would you tell me what's been bothering you?"

I nodded, determined to stop being ridiculous.

I told the whole story, from when I was sick and she returned the writing folder for me to when Lily confronted me yesterday.

"That's why I was feeling down today. It kept tugging at the back of my mind and I didn't quite know what to think or do. I know, it sounds like I was kinda dramatic now, acting that way, I'm sorry," I concluded. 

After telling it all to Mum, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"It's okay, well, I'm sorry for you," she looked at me sympathetically. "It could probably be a misunderstanding. Well, if you've done all you can do and searched for it, I guess we'll just wait and see."

I gave a sad smile. "Yeah." 

"One thing I can be sure of though, is I did return it to Lily's house. And on that day you reminded me precisely 3 times to do so, Em."

I laughed because I do remember that vividly.

She hugged me from the side, then looked straight at me.

"Next time or anytime something troubles you, I'm always here, remember that, okay? When you grow older, you might not want to tell me everything, which is understandable," she chuckled, then continued, "but I hope you will know that I'm willing to share your smiles and also your troubles."

Right there I made a silent promise to myself, to never forget the caring, patient shield of mine, and not hide anymore from her. 

"Thank you Mum," I replied, touched with gratitude, "I will not forget that."

Emma Watson NorthWhere stories live. Discover now