Chapter 2

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My name is Emma Watson North.

Well, you might be thinking, maybe your mum is a big fan of  Emma Watson, and named you after her. No big deal.

But, the thing is... my mum is Emma Watson.

My mama named me after her, then made my last name her grandparents' (which was "North") in memory of them.

Now, if you don't know who Emma Watson is, she's an actress, risen from playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies and then other roles. She was also Belle in the Disney Beauty and the Beast movie. Well, she sang and danced in that one as well.

Not everyone knows about me being her daughter because Mum and I, we both try to keep my life, childhood as normal as possible. That's why we value our privacy so much.

The world does know that she has a daughter and occasionally I go on the red carpet with her. Perhaps some people, especially those who aren't familiar with things about celebrities, won't recognise me on the street.

Another reason why people might not recognise me as "Emma Watson's daughter" is that I don't  look exactly like her. I'd say we look quite similar but I have much darker hair and eyes.

People always say we have the same smile. That, I do agree on.

Anyway, I'm 13. (Even so, I'm very close to my mum, haha).

My original birthday was towards the end of June. However, I was premature, which means I was born early. And... I was born on 15th April which is my mum's birthday as well.

Coincidence, much? Or was it fate?

I don't know how it happened. Personally, I love it, because it's like a special bond for us, sharing the same birthday.

Okay, so, how's it like being a daughter of a celebrity?

The truth is, most of the time, I pretty much forget that my mum's a celebrity. 

Anyhow, I'm extremely proud of Mum and myself being a daughter of her. I support her a lot and whenever there's a movie she's in, I would definitely be the first one to watch it.

In spite of that, I do sometimes wonder how it would be if I came from a "normal" family. Now, don't get me wrong, I am really grateful for all that I have, but when I scroll through social media I would dream of myself going to the mall, hanging out with my friends, laughing, chatting...

I was always called a "bookworm" as I could never put down a good book. Well, especially the Harry Potter. Not just because of Mum!

On the other hand, I love dancing. I've been dancing since I was three and I'm in love with it.

I also love acting. Partly because of family influence, partly because I do enjoy being another character and playing different personalities- it's just like being another person.

Sometimes I do mini-drama shows in my room. Yes, I know that sounds so cheesy or childish, but occasionally Mum joins in, and those are the best moments of my life, spending time with Mum.

I had gone to school in England when I was younger but recently I have been homeschooled until we moved. Although being homeschooled was a lot of fun, I was so excited when I finally convinced Mum to let me try going to school again. I don't remember much about school in England when I was much younger, but Mum told me that I did really well, and had outstanding reports.

I sincerely hope I can continue getting good grades and make Mum proud.

Usually, my mum is rather busy. Sometimes I follow her to set and do my work, and chat with the people on set. My mum's beautiful on set.

This time, they had to film in California which is why we moved. I have school now though, so I won't be following her on set.

My mum has always taught me not to "boast" about having a famous mum and, basically, having her as my mum.

As I gradually grew up, I thoroughly understand now her point. I understand it's bit because she  doesn't want me to recognise her as my mum. Neither is it because she doesn't recognise me as her daughter.

That's why I try to avoid talking about "Emma Watson being my mum".

My mum gets how it is being a "child star", as she'd got famous suddenly when she was eleven, being cast in the role of Hermione.

Though in a way, we are quite different. My mum had become famous by her own efforts, her ability to act. She achieved all this because of herself.

On the other hand, I was born famous.

This chapter's a bit shorter haha. Hope you liked it anyhow, and stay tuned for more!

Fun fact, the part of Emma born premature and the April and June birthday thing was taken from real life. My life actually lol. 

Emma Watson NorthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant