Chapter 19

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I poked my head into Mum's room.

"Hi," I said, "what are you doing?"

She was sitting in front of her computer, in a sweater and jeans, while I was in a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Hi, honey," she said softly as she motioned me to her.

I went over and she kissed my cheek.

"I'm having a video conference for an interview. Now hop along, I'll come to you later."

I was retreating, but the interviewer asked, "Is it Emma?", and when Mum answered "Yep", she said I could stay for a bit.

I happily returned and she patted her lap so I sat on her lap and observed the interview.

Then, the interviewer, whose name was Brooklyn and was very nice and humorous, asked, "Can I ask Emma a question, if that's okay? Since she's here."

"Go ahead," Mum said, smiling. 

"Emma, you and your mum's relationship is so precious," said she, which made me beam.

"Thank you," I said, blushing.

"How do you think you two get along so well?"

I thought for a bit then answered, "She is my better half still. I think it's because of our mutual respect and care, and giving each other space at times. I'm very lucky, really. We're like best friends, instead of one dominating over the other. In my opinion, that's basically the key to most relationships."

"I agree," Mum followed.

I playfully punched her arm. "So you're just going to steal my answer like that?"

"Yeah," she answered, which made us burst into giggles.

"You guys have the same smile," Brooklyn remarked.

Mum glanced at me. "So we're told."


After Mum finished the interview, she came to the living room where I was after I left her to resume her interview.

We just did our own work for around an hour for two, then when we were done, Mum suggested we just hang out for the day because she would be leaving for a activism event in New York for 2 weeks on Monday.

I was pleased to spend more time with Mum before she leaves. 

Mum found a gallery book with old photos and I got us ice-cream.

We sat on the couch and "went down memory lane".

When we came across a photo of me as a toddler, attacking Mum with hands of paint, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

"You were adorable, but savage," Mum's eyes went wide as she said.

I leaned my head on hers as we flipped the pages.

We had a lovely afternoon and for dinner, she cooked my favourite lasagne with cheese.

"Thank you Mum, this is delicious," I said as I chomped.

"You're welcome, sweetie," Mum replied, looking pleased.


I woke up very early on Monday.

"Clothes. Jacket. Toothbrush!" I exclaimed, checking her luggage to make sure she had everything she needed.

It was all settled. Since Grandma was in town, she would take care of me for the weeks. For school, I'd go with Lily and her mum Michelle would drive me and Lily if needed for a school event.

"Mum, you almost forgot your glasses," I handed her the case, receiving a startled "Oh my goodness, thank you, dear" from Mum.

At the airport, I found it a little difficult to say goodbye. This isn't the first time separating with Mum, of course, but I've never had her gone for two whole weeks in another state, as far as my memory goes.

"Two entire weeks of freedom!" I laughed, then reassured Mum, "Just kidding, I'll miss you loads Mum."

She hugged me tightly. "Me too, darling, but I'm sure you'll be able to manage just fine. Listen to Grandma, okay? Don't worry, I'll call whenever I can."

She kissed Grandma then me sweetly on the forehead. 

I buried my face in her shoulder, then lifted my head to kiss her on the cheek. "See you, Mum. Have fun, stay safe."

Grandma and I waved to her until she was out of sight.


The following weeks were fine but rather odd because I just kept suddenly realising Mum wasn't there.

She graciously kept her promise and called almost every evening. Although the slight time difference was weird at times, virtually seeing her brightened up my nights.

She would retell me her day's events and I'd share mine. Her face looked happy and wholesome despite being tired, which was a pleasure to see.

Grandma was also lovely, and cooked especially delicious meals.

Sometimes she would catch me sitting in my room just staring into midair. Then she'd come and comfort me, which always made me feel better. 

By and by, it wasn't so bad, and I enjoyed listening to Mum's adventures. She always made sure to know how my day went too every time we talked, which I appreciated deeply.

Since final exams were approaching, Lily and I often went to each others' and did schoolwork or revised together.

On the second Thursday, I was at Lily's, and we were quizzing each other back and forth in her living room.

After a while, Lily suggested, "I think we're pretty much fine with History. Let's watch a movie."

My face lit up. "Yes. Let's do that."

We watched a Netflix film then blasted some music. I felt at ease with Lily plainly enjoying myself and relaxing after a day of work.

As we were wrapping up, Lily grabbed my arm and said, "Hey, your mum's speech is on live broadcast."

"Oh, I didn't know it would be," I replied, interested.

"Let's watch it."

She had just started her speech, luckily for us, that we didn't miss out on much. Her persuasive, firm tone in delivering the speech instantly caught our attention, and I found myself very much in awe of my own mother.

Lily looked very much impressed too. "How does she stand in front of hundreds of people and speak like that?"

"I don't know. Though she says it does take a lot of courage for her, when you're pouring your heart out and the whole world's listening."

She gave an approving nod. "Well, it's amazing what she does. What I admire so much about your mom is how she stands so firmly for equality, for justice, for what she believes in," Lily smiled.

"Aw, thanks. Mum would be so pleased to hear that. It just completes her, honestly," I returned the smile.

Just then, Michelle (Lily's Mum) cake into the room. She saw Mum on the screen, stood there and watched with us. When Mum finished, we clapped and Michelle especially exclaimed, "Yes, girl!"


I was helping Grandma with housework. Sweeping the floor, I counted the days in my head: Friday, Saturday, then Mum has her early morning flight back and arrives at around 7am on Sunday. So 2 more days, then I'll see her in the morning then.

I gathered the dust and toppled them into the bin.

That was when I had an idea.

Hey! Early update to make up for the late update last time. Hope everyone's doing okay ;(

Emma Watson NorthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang