Chapter 11

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Later on, I texted Lily to update her that I was home and would be resting for a few days from seemingly a flu I caught. 

Andrea was very caring. She kept me company the whole afternoon and evening, as I snuggled in bed wrapped completely in the blanket.

She made some dinner and I ate some of it, neither feeling stuffed nor hungry. Afterwards, I got ready for bed and went straight to bed in a few minutes.

I told Andrea "good night", and climbed exhaustedly (despite the fact that I barely did anything since I came back) onto the bed.

I fell into a light sleep- I wasn't able to fall asleep completely because of my stuffed nose, throat, arms, legs, brain, and so forth. I tried to muffle my coughs as to avoid startling Andrea (who was in the living room, and would come check on me at the slightest sound).

I devoted the whole time trying to get myself comfortable, tossing and turning, though it proved to be impossible. I felt chilled one moment and was sweating the other, 

I sighed. It really is dreadful being sick. 

I was sleeping so lightly that I was still half-awake when I faintly heard Mum's car coming up the driveway, the lock downstairs click, and that familiar voice quietly whispering words of thanks and hugging Andrea. 

After farewelling Andrea, I heard a rustle of sounds, and her running up the stairs.

I hastily shut my eyes at the fully-dressed silhouette appearing at the doorway.

I couldn't help it. "Mum!" I meant to sound excited, but it came out a feverish moan.

She chuckled a little and came over.

"Hello, darling. Why are you still up? Did I wake you?" She caressed my cheek with her thumb as she knelt by my bed.

I patted the space beside me on the bed and she scrambled over.

Contented, I snuggled further into the blankets and murmured, " I've missed- " until a coughing fit attacked me and I faced the other side so as to not infect Mum.

She returned with some lukewarm water and I devoured it. My throat was still dry, but it was fine.

I buried my head in the pillow and took a few deep breaths to loosen myself up. Mum helped me by rubbing my back up and down until I slowly relaxed.

"Sorry I came back so late, Em," 

"Really, it's okay, Mum."

I rubbed my forehead in an attempt to soothe the jabbing pain.

Mum reached out and felt my forehead.

"Dear, you're boiling hot."

She went out and returned with a cold towel, then placed it on my forehead.

It alleviated the throbbing instantly. I closed my eyes, savouring the temporary relief. 

"Thanks Mum." I whispered.


I woke up feeling nauseous.

I gave myself a moment, then got out of bed.

Trodding down the stairs, I was greatly surprised to see Mum in the kitchen.

She spotted me and said, "Hello, morning. I took a leave from work today so maybe I can take you to the doctor's later." She smiled and handed me a bowl of oatmeal. "I made breakfast."

I thanked her, sitting down at the table.

She sat down with her own bowl of oatmeal a moment later.

Absently stirring my oatmeal, I said softly, "You didn't have to take a day off of work for me."

"Of course I had to, silly," she grinned. "Now eat up, or I'm feeding you."

I immediately started to gobble up my oatmeal, unable to hide a laugh.


I woke up from a nap and gulped some medicine. Mum and I had gone to the doctor's and it was affirmed that I had caught the flu.

Goodness, medicine is disgusting.

I went over to Mum's room and knocked on her door, she came to it and opened it, chuckling as I sat on her bed.

"You're finally awake. Feeling better?"

She looked over from her desk and gave a little giggle when I shrugged in response.

"Let's just watch a movie. Come on, Em," she suggested heartily. 

She went to put something on and I scooped myself to be comfortable on the bed. Cheering up immensely, I settled as Mum joined me at my side and laid my head on her shoulder, letting out a satisfied sigh.


The following days before the weekend (we had decided I'd go back to school on Monday), Mum wasn't here most of the time, though I didn't feel any less cared for.

She would make me soup before leaving everyday, leave little notes with loving words, call me a little too much and come to my bed every night, not knowing I was mostly awake.

I recovered speedily, and by Saturday I was practically my old self again, just a bit fatigued.

I was getting bored stuck at home, so when Mum proposed the idea of me going with her to set again, I agreed with such enthusiasm she was quite amused.

When we got to set, they gave us a very warm welcome. I got a little shy with all the attention and clung to Mum's arm, half-hiding behind it.

Soon Mum went to get hair and make-up done and I settled myself on a chair. This time I didn't hop around (because I didn't have that much energy) and sat happily there, observing the whole process.

I was so in awe of seeing the process of production and thoroughly enjoyed the fascination it brought me. Everybody was amiable and friendly, and Mum was a total gem as always.

They even dressed me up at one point and let me stand as background in some scenes. "See if the people notice," as the director had said.

It felt like home.

Hi! Comment your opinion below, I'd love to hear it! 

Also, disclaimer, this chapter was written and set way before the coronavirus outbreak. Lol smh. Anyway, thanks so much for reading :)

Emma Watson NorthWhere stories live. Discover now