Chapter 14

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Time flew by and soon it was almost the day of the dance competition.

Savannah and I had not stopped practising the dance on our own, every now and then we'd get together to practise our duet.

Despite everything that had happened between us and the occasional awkwardness, I have to say we've done a decent job. This is why I'm getting more hyped up about it by the day. After all, dancing is something I genuinely gain joy from.


"Hey, it's your school dance competition next week, is it not?" Mum asked me during a Facetime call while she was having a break on set.

"Yeah, I'm getting quite excited for it," I replied, my face glowing.

"Honey, I'll be honest with you, I still don't know if I can attend your dance competition because of the book event. I'd love to go to both but I simply can't," she pouted.

I gave a light laugh. "It's okay, Mum. I understand."

Mum's face relaxed, and she looked relieved. "I'll tell you if I have any news on it, 'kay?"

"Thanks, Mum."

"Well, I better go now, see you later Em!" she said, blowing a kiss to the camera.

"Bye bye," I said, waving to her, chuckling softly.

The night before the competition, Mum knocked on my room door and came in.

"Hi," I looked up to meet her glance.

"Emma? Hey, I'm sorry but I won't be able to see you at your dance competition."

"Oh, well, it's okay," I said, slightly sad.

"I'm looking forward to the book event, but it hurts to disappoint you sweetie," she said so apologetically that I patted her shoulder and said,

"Mum, it's okay. Go and enjoy the book event! I'm sure it'll be great," I smiled genuinely. "I want you to have fun on your birthday. I have you everyday of my life, I can spare you for a day," I joked.

Her face brightened and she giggled.

"Thanks for being so understanding Em, love you."


It was the day of the competition.

Eating my breakfast, I couldn't sit still. I was bursting with anticipation, but also very nervous.

Before I left, Mum pulled me in a tight hug.

"Good luck, Emma! I'm sure you'll do amazing, and I am very proud of you no matter what. Have fun, alright?"

I smiled at her. "Thanks Mum, you too."

"Tell me how it goes when you're back, I can't wait to hear from you. We'll have our own little birthday celebration then, I promise."

She kissed me goodbye and I left.

I looked back to wave goodbye.

I was so engulfed in my thoughts about the competition, I didn't catch the mischievous glint in her eyes when she waved heartily back.

I arrived early at school. I didn't see Savannah so I just set down my things and started to warm up.

I was running the dance on my own when Lily came in the room.

She smiled as she spotted me. "Hi Emma. Happy birthday! Good luck today," she beamed at me.

"Thanks, I've just been running my dance. I'm so nervous."

"Where's Savannah?"

"She hasn't arrived yet." I furrowed my brows, worried. "She ought to be here now."

"Oh no. Well, let's hope she'll get here soon."

After a while, I had finished doing my make-up and getting my costume on but Savannah still hasn't arrived.

Then, I got a text. From Savannah.

I ran to Lily for help.

"Lily," I panted, panicked, "Savannah isn't coming. She's sick. She just texted me."

Her jaw dropped.

"I wish she'd told me earlier! Oh my goodness what do I do?"

Lily patted my back comfortingly. "It's gonna be fine. Um...why don't we go ask Miss Cahill, maybe she'll know what to do."

I nodded, thankful for her help.

"Miss Cahill? I have a duet with Savannah for the competition, but she's sick and can't come today," I explained anxiously.

"Oh god," she exclaimed, checking her board. She went to consult other teachers, explaining my situation, finally returning to me and Lily.

"Well, then, you can either not do the dance, or you could do it as a solo." She looked up at me, waiting for a response.

Something inside me urged me to go for it. I will not let this dance we've worked on for months go to waste.

"I'll do it as a solo."

Miss Cahill smiled. "That's great, Emma. I'll arrange that for you. Hey, also, best of luck up there," she added as we turned to go.

"Thank you," I beamed.


I had run through the dance several times, alternating it slightly in the parts where she dances- basically transforming the duet into a solo.

I was feeling confident in my dance but now, standing in the wings of the stage, my heart thumped wildly at the sight of the audience.

"Ahh... stage nerves! I'm so nervous!" I shook out my limbs while whispering to Lily, who was a backstage assistant.

"You'll do great, Emma, calm down! Have fun up there, yeah?"

I nodded, then heard the contestant before me end her dance, the applauding, followed by the announcement:

"Next up, we have Emma North with 'Light into the Darkness'."

"Good luck."

I took a deep breath, and stepped out onto the stage.

What do you think happens next? Hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for the next chapter- it's gonna be a good one! ;)

Emma Watson NorthWhere stories live. Discover now