Chapter 10

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The next following few days at school, I didn't get affected by any hurtful comments, as I didn't really pay attention to what Savannah and her friends were saying. I know that none of it's true.

I found myself settling once again to school life. I thoroughly enjoyed the lessons. And when I had free time I sank myself into the welcoming beanbags at the Reading Corner of the classroom and read. I quite liked the peace, plus the organised schedule, which I had stuck to for a few weeks, until I thought while half-immersed into the book I was reading: I'm ready to make some new friends.

It all happened when one day Lily saw that a song I was listening to was one she loved too. Then we basically hit it off, finding out what we had in common. It was like that first day of school replayed a little differently. 

How had I not noticed earlier?

Lily and I grew closer by the day. I felt at ease with her and started to open up more towards getting to know her and other people in the class.


We were having a regular visual arts lesson. I was focusing intently on the paintbrush I was holding, careful not to mess the artwork up, when I felt a slight headache.

I ignored it and returned my focus to the painting but 20 minutes later, it got way worse. I was trying to soothe it by rubbing my forehead vigorously which proved to be of no avail.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom to wash my face- maybe it would help. Lily offered to come with me on my way out. I was too discombobulated to refuse. I felt like my energy was being drained from me.

I half-leaned on the wall as we trod our way to the bathroom. She looked very concerned watching me wash my face over and over, leaving it as red and as throbbing as ever.

"Do you want to go to the nurse's office?" she asked.

I was going to say it was okay, maybe I was just feeling tired, but then I contemplated — a place to lie down, nothing sounds better at the moment — so I nodded.

Lily led me to the nurse's office promptly. I thanked her and she said, "You're welcome. I'll go back and I'll tell Ms. Violet what happened now, don't worry. Tell me if you feel better, or text me later if you go home, yeah?" I gave her a beholden, gratified smile before she left, mouthing "take care".

I lay down and shut my eyes for a bit. The nurse woke me up gently after a while and asked me a few questions.

"Oh, you poor thing, you probably caught a flu." The young woman helped me out the covers back up after taking my temperature.

My throat felt dry and dreadful so I politely asked for a cup of warm water which she handed to me.

"I think you better leave school early today and go take some rest at home for a couple of days, dear. I'll phone your mum." Then she swiftly turned and went to the other side of the room,

I carefully sipped my water and waited, while the nurse phoned Mum, informing her of my current situation.


I walked as fast as I could out of the glass door at the school entrance when I spotted Andrea coming out of her car.

She instantly strode over, and seeing me, she hugged me.

"Hi, Em, are you alright? Your mum said you were sick, but she couldn't come pick you up, too busy," she peered at me closely, "well, let's go home, shall we?"

Andrea, being my mum's assistant, was very close with me. Feeling her utmost solicitude as she brought me to the car and drove me home, that I gave her another big hug when we arrived home, though I was feeling horrible, and cold despite the warming weather.

Once we settled down, she went to fix me some hot honey while calling Mum to reassure her that we were at home and I was alright and resting. Then I asked to speak to Mum.

She sounded so anxious when she spoke. "Em?"

"Hello," I croaked. Wow, I can not recognise my own voice.

"Caught the flu, Emma?"

"Yep, at least that's what the school nurse said," I replied after sipping the honey.

"I'm terribly sorry I couldn't come to pick you up. I've got so much work today, and all these scenes to rehearse- " she rambled, sounding sober and regretful.

"Mum, I understand, I do, it's okay." I said, meaning every word.

"Thanks so awfully much, Em," she paused for a breath. "Well, I'll try to come back as soon as I can. Oops, director's calling."

"Then you probably should go, Mum, thanks a lot for sending Andrea," I smiled, glanced over at Andrea, and smiled again.

"You're welcome, Em. Phew, today's been such a long day!"

Obviously she was not convinced and still worried about me, because when I put the phone on speaker so she could speak to Andrea, she repeatedly told her to "take good care of Emma" with promising replies of her reliable assistant (not knowing it was on speaker and I could hear every single word). 

I spoke again. "Okay, Mum, you really should go, I can hear your director calling from here."

She gave a little hearty laugh. "You're right," she agreed. I heard her call "Coming!" then come back to the phone. "Please take good care of yourself and rest well, kay, Em?"

"Okay, Mum," I chuckled.

"Love you Emma, see you soon." She still sounded reluctant but substantially less anxious.

"Love you, Mum, you too."

I put down the phone, with a warm feeling inside.

Emma Watson NorthWhere stories live. Discover now